- ESP8266 NodeMCU
- L298n Motor Driver
- Jumper Wires F-to-F (x8)
- motors (with gearboxes)
- wire
- 9V battery clip
- 9V battery
- Micro USB cable
- Remove the jumpers on ENA and ENB on the L298n motor controller
- Connect up components as shown in the diagram below (red wires: jumper wires, black wires: misc, circles: soldering required)
- Download and install the Arduino IDE: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
- Open Arduino IDE and go to File > Preferrences and copy and paste: https://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json into the Additional Board Manager URLs
- Go to Tools > Board > Board Manager
- Search for and Install esp8266 (IMPORTANT: INSTALL VERSION 2.7.4)
- Download the lastest build file
- Open src.ino in the Arduino IDE
- Go to Tools > Board > ESP8266 Boards > NodeMCU 1.0
- Connect esp8266 to computer using Micro USB cable
- Go to Tools > Port and select the port the ESP8266 is connected to.
- Upload the code (may take few minutes)
- Connect to the WiFi
- Go to the web portal
- default wifi
- SSID: RC Car
- Password: 12345678
- default portal: (type this into your browser)
For slightly better performance try:
- setting the CPU Frequency to 160 MHz
- setting the IwIP variant: v2 Higher Bandwidth