- Gatsby v2
- Emotion for styling
- Code syntax highlighting
- Tags
- Sitemap generation
- Schema.org JSON-LD for Google Rich Snippets
- Twitter Tags
- OpenGraph Tags for Facebook/Google+/Pinterest
- robots.txt
- Typography.js
- Typefaces for faster font loading
- Offline Support
- Manifest Support
- Gatsby Image
- Responsive images
- Traced SVG Loading with Lazy-Loading
- WebP Support
- Development tools
- ESLint for linting
- Prettier for code style
- CircleCI support
- Google Lighthouse Optimization
├──.circleci # Circleci integration
├── config # Theme and site metadata
├── content # Post markdown and images
├── src
│ ├── components
│ ├── layouts
│ ├── pages
│ ├── style
│ └── templates # For Post and Tag page generation
├── static # Images for logo and favicon, and robots.txt
├── gatsby-config.js # Plugin loading and configuration
└── gatsby-node.js # Generate posts/tags and modify webpack
- Gatsby uses server-side rendering. Pay attention to check
object. It'sundefined
in production. - Open a pull request to review the changes before merging into master.