Alpine based Docker image that includes Kubectl, Helm and Helmfile.
This can be used interactively, or as part of a CI/CD system. To use this run the image with your Kubernetes connection file, for example:
docker run -it --rm -v ~/.kube/:/home/kube/.kube/:ro kube-helm-docker
Kubectl has good backwards compatibility so it is safe to connect to older clusters.
Helm should be compatible between minor releases e.g. 2.9.*
You will need to rebuild the image for other Helm versions.
Helmfile is a wrapper around Helm. The latest version should be compatible with older versions of Helm.
Initialise or update the list of available external charts, you should always run this first:
helmfile repos
See differences between your deployed charts and your helmfile:
helmfile diff
Synchronise deployed charts with helmfile:
helmfile sync
Pass additional arguments when synchronising, for instance when a chart update requires --force
helmfile sync --args --force
Synchronise a subset of releases in the helmfile:
helmfile --selector name=jupyter-int sync