Bayes Net Toolbox for Student Modeling (BNT-SM) is an effort to facilitate the use of dynamic Bayes nets in the student modeling community.
BNT-SM inputs a data set and a compact XML specification of a Bayes net model hypothesized by a researcher to describe causal relationships among student knowledge and observed behavior. BNT-SM generates and executes the code to train and test the model using the Bayes Net Toolbox. BNT-SM allows researchers to easily explore different hypothesis with respect to the knowledge representation in a student model. For example, by varying the graphical structure of a Bayesian network, we examined how tutoring intervention can affect students' knowledge state - whether the intervention is likely to scaffold or to help students to learn. can be downloaded under Downloads. It is implemented in Matlab, so you need to have Matlab installed and running.
With BNT-SM downloaded and extracted, launch Matlab and do
>> cd src
>> setup
>> cd ../model/kt
>> [property evidence hash_bnet] = RunBnet('property.xml');
- Property.xml is an XML file that specifies the Bayes net we are constructing.
- In the directory, BNT-SM/model, you can find some other sample Bayes net specification and a small test set to get started.
- Now, BNT-SM also supports logistic regression in a Dynamic Bayes net (LR-DBN), which can be found in BNT-SM/model/lr-dbn.
A Walk-through Example of modeling Knowledge Tracing with BNT-SM can be found at
An Example of tracing multiple subskills with BNT-SM can be found at
Yanbo Xu <yanbox at cs dot cmu dot edu>
Kai-min Chang <kaimin dot chang at gmail dot com>
Chang, K., Beck, J., Mostow, J., & Corbett, A. (2006, June 26-30). A Bayes Net Toolkit for Student Modeling in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Jhongli, Taiwan, 104-113.
If you are running LR-DBN with BTN-SM, please cite:
Xu, Y., & Mostow, J. (2011, July 6-8). Using Logistic Regression to Trace Multiple Subskills in a Dynamic Bayes Net. In M. Pechenizkiy, T. Calders, C. Conati, S. Ventura, C. Romero, & J. Stamper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (pp. 241-245). Eindhoven, Netherlands.