Hi! I am Ishan! I am an Economics enthusiast with interest in computation, behavioural strategies and mechanisms, both theoretical and empirical aspects. My work portfolio includes projects in R, Python, STATA, JaavaScript, VBA and Scratch+BYOB (shoutout to life-long kindergarten!).
Some of the projects here are related to my research work with others, where I am using this site simply as a file-management system :/ But then there are projects seriously meant for here! Take a look at:
NashVolve is a project where I try to develop a tool that applies evolutionary algorithms to solve general extended-form games, including possibly infinite ones! There is not UI yet for the project, but the code is available in a repository here itself.
CasteTrace is an algorithm that corrects caste-spellings without looking at caste-spelling! Basically, I superimpose spellings on a social network of family members, and by the magic of endogamy, I can identify which spellings tend to be more connected. Then, I use a custom-designed clustering algorithm (that halts 100% of the time into a stable distribution), which works better than most standard clustering algos. Check this link for its implementation on the NFHS3 dataset: https://ikhazarika.shinyapps.io/HHAssocViewer/
Bazaar is a big (for the struggling student me at least!) project, still ongoing, where I am trying to develop a general-purpose platform to conduct and analyse general equilibrium experiments. It is a dice game with consumption, production (a whole non-linear Leontieff system), central banking etc. A prototype of the frontend is linked here: https://kpishanh.wixsite.com/bazaarnew. Theoretical investigations are still going on.
Reach me at https://sites.google.com/view/ishankhazarika/!