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This is an api for a casting-agency. It covers following technical topics in 1 app:-

  1. Database modeling with postgres & sqlalchemy (see
  2. API to performance CRUD Operations on database with Flask (see
  3. Automated testing with Unittest (see test_app)
  4. Authorization & Role based Authentification with Auth0 (see
  5. Deployment on Heroku

Start Project locally

Make sure you cd into the correct folder (with all app files) before following the setup steps. Also, you need the latest version of Python 3 and postgres installed on your machine.

To start and run the local development server,

  1. Initialize and activate a virtualenv:
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages env_capstone
$ source env_capstone/scripts/activate
  1. Install the dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running this project locally means that it can´t access Herokus env variables. To fix this, you need to edit a few informations in, so it can correctly connect to a local database

  1. Change database config so it can connect to your local postgres database
  • Open with your editor of choice.
  • Here you can see this dict:
database_setup = {
   "database_name_production" : "agency",
   "user_name" : "postgres", # default postgres user name
   "password" : "testpassword123", # if applicable. If no password, just type in None
   "port" : "localhost:5432" # default postgres port
  • Just change user_name, password and port to whatever you choose while installing postgres.

tip: user_name usually defaults to postgres and port always defaults to localhost:5432 while installing postgres, most of the time you just need to change the password.

  1. Setup Auth0 If you only want to test the API (i.e. Project Reviewer), you can simply take the existing bearer tokens in

If you already know your way around Auth0, just insert your data into => auth0_config.

FYI: Here are the steps I followed to enable authentification.

  1. Run the development server:
$ python
  1. (optional) To execute tests, run
$ python

If you choose to run all tests, it should give this response if everything went fine:

$ python
Ran 25 tests in 18.132s


API Documentation

Here you can find all existing endpoints, which methods can be used, how to work with them & example responses you´ll get.

Additionally, common pitfalls & error messages are explained, if applicable.

Base URL


Please see API Authentification

Available Endpoints

Here is a short table about which ressources exist and which method you can use on them.

                      Allowed Methods
   Endpoints    |  GET |  POST |  DELETE | PATCH  |
  /actors       |  [x] |  [x]  |   [x]   |   [x]  |   
  /movies       |  [x] |  [x]  |   [x]   |   [x]  |   

How to work with each endpoint

Click on a link to directly get to the ressource.

  1. Actors
    1. GET /actors
    2. POST /actors
    3. DELETE /actors
    4. PATCH /actors
  2. Movies
    1. GET /movies
    2. POST /movies
    3. DELETE /movies
    4. PATCH /movies

Each ressource documentation is clearly structured:

  1. Description in a few words
  2. curl example that can directly be used in terminal
  3. More descriptive explanation of input & outputs.
  4. Required permission
  5. Example Response.
  6. Error Handling (curl command to trigger error + error response)

1. GET /actors

Query paginated actors.

$ curl -X GET localhost/actors?page1
  • Fetches a list of dictionaries of examples in which the keys are the ids with all available fields
  • Request Arguments:
    • integer page (optional, 10 actors per page, defaults to 1 if not given)
  • Request Headers: None
  • Requires permission: read:actors
  • Returns:
    1. List of dict of actors with following fields:
      • integer id
      • string name
      • string gender
      • integer age
    2. boolean success

Example response

  "actors": [
      "age": 25,
      "gender": "Male",
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Matthew"
  "success": true


If you try fetch a page which does not have any actors, you will encounter an error which looks like this:

$ curl -X GET localhost/actors?page123124

will return

  "error": 404,
  "message": "no actors found in database.",
  "success": false

2. POST /actors

Insert new actor into database.

$ curl -X POST localhost/actors
  • Request Arguments: None
  • Request Headers: (application/json) 1. string name (required) 2. integer age (required) 3. string gender
  • Requires permission: create:actors
  • Returns:
    1. integer id from newly created actor
    2. boolean success

Example response

    "created": 5,
    "success": true


If you try to create a new actor without a requiered field like name, it will throw a 422 error:

$ curl -X GET localhost/actors?page123124

will return

  "error": 422,
  "message": "no name provided.",
  "success": false

3. PATCH /actors

Edit an existing Actor

$ curl -X PATCH localhost/actors/1
  • Request Arguments: integer id from actor you want to update
  • Request Headers: (application/json) 1. string name 2. integer age 3. string gender
  • Requires permission: edit:actors
  • Returns:
    1. integer id from updated actor
    2. boolean success
    3. List of dict of actors with following fields:
      • integer id
      • string name
      • string gender
      • integer age

Example response

    "actor": [
            "age": 30,
            "gender": "Other",
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Test Actor"
    "success": true,
    "updated": 1


If you try to update an actor with an invalid id it will throw an 404error:

$ curl -X PATCH localhost/actors/125

will return

  "error": 404,
  "message": "Actor with id 125 not found in database.",
  "success": false

Additionally, trying to update an Actor with already existing field values will result in an 422 error:

  "error": 422,
  "message": "provided field values are already set. No update needed.",
  "success": false

4. DELETE /actors

Delete an existing Actor

$ curl -X DELETE localhost/actors/1
  • Request Arguments: integer id from actor you want to delete
  • Request Headers: None
  • Requires permission: delete:actors
  • Returns:
    1. integer id from deleted actor
    2. boolean success

Example response

    "deleted": 5,
    "success": true


If you try to delete actor with an invalid id, it will throw an 404error:

$ curl -X DELETE localhost/125

will return

  "error": 404,
  "message": "Actor with id 125 not found in database.",
  "success": false

5. GET /movies

Query paginated movies.

$ curl -X GET https://localhost/movies?page1
  • Fetches a list of dictionaries of examples in which the keys are the ids with all available fields
  • Request Arguments:
    • integer page (optional, 10 movies per page, defaults to 1 if not given)
  • Request Headers: None
  • Requires permission: read:movies
  • Returns:
    1. List of dict of movies with following fields:
      • integer id
      • string name
      • date release_date
    2. boolean success

Example response

  "movies": [
      "id": 1,
      "release_date": "Sun, 16 Feb 2020 00:00:00 GMT",
      "title": "Matthew first Movie"
  "success": true


If you try fetch a page which does not have any movies, you will encounter an error which looks like this:

$ curl -X GET https://localhost/movies?page123124

will return

  "error": 404,
  "message": "no movies found in database.",
  "success": false

6. POST /movies

Insert new Movie into database.

$ curl -X POST https://localhost/movies
  • Request Arguments: None
  • Request Headers: (application/json) 1. string title (required) 2. date release_date (required)
  • Requires permission: create:movies
  • Returns:
    1. integer id from newly created movie
    2. boolean success

Example response

    "created": 5,
    "success": true


If you try to create a new movie without a requiered field like name, it will throw a 422 error:

$ curl -X GET https://localhost/movies?page123124

will return

  "error": 422,
  "message": "no name provided.",
  "success": false

7. PATCH /movies

Edit an existing Movie

$ curl -X PATCH https://localhost/movies/1
  • Request Arguments: integer id from movie you want to update
  • Request Headers: (application/json) 1. string title 2. date release_date
  • Requires permission: edit:movies
  • Returns:
    1. integer id from updated movie
    2. boolean success
    3. List of dict of movies with following fields:
      • integer id
      • string title
      • date release_date

Example response

    "created": 1,
    "movie": [
            "id": 1,
            "release_date": "Sun, 16 Feb 2020 00:00:00 GMT",
            "title": "Test Movie 123"
    "success": true


If you try to update an movie with an invalid id it will throw an 404error:

$ curl -X PATCH https://localhost/movies/125

will return

  "error": 404,
  "message": "Movie with id 125 not found in database.",
  "success": false

Additionally, trying to update an Movie with already existing field values will result in an 422 error:

  "error": 422,
  "message": "provided field values are already set. No update needed.",
  "success": false

8. DELETE /movies

Delete an existing movie

$ curl -X DELETE https:/localhost/movies/1
  • Request Arguments: integer id from movie you want to delete
  • Request Headers: None
  • Requires permission: delete:movies
  • Returns:
    1. integer id from deleted movie
    2. boolean success

Example response

    "deleted": 5,
    "success": true


If you try to delete movie with an invalid id, it will throw an 404error:

$ curl -X DELETE https://localhost/movies/125

will return

  "error": 404,
  "message": "Movie with id 125 not found in database.",
  "success": false


All API Endpoints are decorated with Auth0 permissions. To use the project locally, you need to config Auth0 accordingly

Auth0 for locally use

Create an App & API

  1. Login to
  2. Click on Applications Tab
  3. Create Application
  4. Give it a name like Music and select "Regular Web Application"
  5. Go to Settings and find domain. Copy & paste it into => auth0_config['AUTH0_DOMAIN'] (i.e. replace "")
  6. Click on API Tab
  7. Create a new API:
    1. Name: Music
    2. Identifier Music
    3. Keep Algorithm as it is
  8. Go to Settings and find Identifier. Copy & paste it into => auth0_config['API_AUDIENCE'] (i.e. replace "Example")

Create Roles & Permissions

  1. Before creating Roles & Permissions, you need to Enable RBAC in your API (API => Click on your API Name => Settings = Enable RBAC => Save)
  2. Also, check the button Add Permissions in the Access Token.
  3. First, create a new Role under Users and Roles => Roles => Create Roles
  4. Give it a descriptive name like Casting Assistant.
  5. Go back to the API Tab and find your newly created API. Click on Permissions.
  6. Create & assign all needed permissions accordingly
  7. After you created all permissions this app needs, go back to Users and Roles => Roles and select the role you recently created.
  8. Under Permissions, assign all permissions you want this role to have.

Auth0 to use existing API

If you want to access the real, temporary API, bearer tokens for all 3 roles are included in the file.

Existing Roles

They are 3 Roles with distinct permission sets:

  1. Casting Assistant:
  • GET /actors (view:actors): Can see all actors
  • GET /movies (view:movies): Can see all movies
  1. Casting Director (everything from Casting Assistant plus)
  • POST /actors (create:actors): Can create new Actors
  • PATCH /actors (edit:actors): Can edit existing Actors
  • DELETE /actors (delete:actors): Can remove existing Actors from database
  • PATCH /movies (edit:movies): Can edit existing Movies
  1. Exectutive Dircector (everything from Casting Director plus)
  • POST /movies (create:movies): Can create new Movies
  • DELETE /movies (delete:movies): Can remove existing Motives from database

In your API Calls, add them as Header, with Authorization as key and the Bearer token as value. Don´t forget to also prepend Bearer to the token (seperated by space).

For example: (Bearer token for Executive Director)

    "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6Ik16azVRVUk0TXpSR04wSXhOVU13TkRrME16QXdNMFpHTmtFMU1VWXdPRUpCTmpnMFJrVTBSZyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2ZzbmQtbWF0dGhldy5ldS5hdXRoMC5jb20vIiwic3ViIjoiYXV0aDB8NWU0N2VmYzc2N2YxYmEwZWJiNDIwMTYzIiwiYXVkIjoiTXVzaWMiLCJpYXQiOjE1ODE4NjI0NjksImV4cCI6MTU4MTg2OTY2OSwiYXpwIjoiVGh2aG9mdmtkRTQwYlEzTkMzSzdKdFdSSzdSMzFOZDciLCJzY29wZSI6IiIsInBlcm1pc3Npb25zIjpbImNyZWF0ZTphY3RvcnMiLCJjcmVhdGU6bW92aWVzIiwiZGVsZXRlOmFjdG9ycyIsImRlbGV0ZTptb3ZpZXMiLCJlZGl0OmFjdG9ycyIsImVkaXQ6bW92aWVzIiwicmVhZDphY3RvcnMiLCJyZWFkOm1vdmllcyJdfQ.iScamWOFNx9pjiVZhsvPzDoRi6EraZaxWg-WMj80HNW_-dchkOymnKA7OOhPQ8svLc9-wViLlCT-ySnupZ-209cIBVHSA_slncSP-lzEM6NKbBmDEETTQ1oxv2jTH-JL72eLhyAWUsmSIZDmEab1hln1yWEN7mUnn0nZJfxCRCs89h5EGJzXS2v8PbAjq9Mu7wFsrioEMx_PGWzSM0r5WIrKBvpXRy0Jm-vssZl4M1akDHIL5Shcfp_Bfnarc2OLOMvdQVHVDEWhrbFSnfCENLDxkcmB18VnOedJAuY_C88YRUfY2wQAOPux8RVuqIb5KxTg4YP7kiDcBU"


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