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INFORMS Journal on Computing Logo

A Quantum Inspired Bi-level Optimization Algorithm for the First Responder Network Design Problem

This archive is distributed in association with the INFORMS Journal on Computing under the MIT License.

The software and data in this repository are a snapshot of the software and data that were used in the research reported on in the paper A Quantum Inspired Bi-level Optimization Algorithm for the First Responder Network Design Problem by Anthony Karahalios, Sridhar Tayur, Ananth Tenneti, Amirezza Pashapour, Sibel F. Salman, and Baris Yildiz.


To cite the contents of this repository, please cite both the paper and this repo, using their respective DOIs.

Below is the BibTex for citing this snapshot of the repository.

  author =        {Karahalios, Anthony and Tayur, Sridhar and Tenneti, Ananth and Pashapour, Amirezza and Salman, F. Sibel and Yildiz, Baris},
  publisher =     {INFORMS Journal on Computing},
  title =         {{A Quantum Inspired Bi-level Optimization Algorithm for the First Responder Network Design Problem}},
  year =          {2024},
  doi =           {10.1287/},
  url =           {},
  note =          {Available for download at},


The software in this repository is developed to solve the First Responder Network Design Problem (FRNDP) using Graver Augmentation Multi-seeded Algorithm (GAMA) and Branch-and-Bound.


The code for Bi-level GAMA (GAGA) is in the src directory. This is divided into 3 subdirectories:

  1. code_paths_generation: Path generation for random-graph instances and case-study instances
  2. code_random: Graver walk on random-graph instances
  3. code_Tgraph: Graver walk on case-study instances

To solve the FRNDP using GAGA, we generate paths and carry out Graver augmentation. The steps are discussed below.

For random graph instances:

a) Path generation: The script to generate paths is code_paths_generation/

i) Example Usage:

      python --nodes_file_cinput='data/instances/random_instances/nodes_30_0.75_0.csv' --edges_file_cinput='data/instances/random_instances/edges_30_0.75_0.csv' --path_save_data_cinput='data/Q-HOPE_output/random_instances/graph_30_0.75_0' --nsamples_cinput=10000 --feas_sols_cinput=True --graver_basis_cinput=True

b) Graver Augmentation: The code is located in code_random.

i) Compilation:

      g++ -O3 func_cost.cpp func_SR.cpp selfish_routing_leblanc.cpp func_leblanc.cpp main_FR_random_instances.cpp -o ./main_FR_random_instances

ii) Run:

      ./main_FR_random_instances --outputdirectory --nodesfile --edgesfile

iii) Example:

      ./main_FR_random_instances data/Q-HOPE_output/random_instances/graph_10000SA_30_0.75_0 data/instances/random_instances_reorder/nodes_30_0.75_0.csv data/instances/random_instances_reorder/edges_30_0.75_0.csv

For case study instances:

a) Path generation: The script to generate paths is code_paths_generation/

i) Example Usage:

      python --nodes_file_cinput='data/instances/Tgraph_noNorm/nodes_1.csv' --edges_file_cinput='data/instances/Tgraph_noNorm/edges_1.csv' --path_save_data_cinput='data/Q-HOPE_output/Tgraph/graph_10000SA1__1' --feas_sols_cinput=True --graver_basis_cinput=True

b) Graver Augmentation: The code is located in code_random.

i) Compilation:

      g++ -O3 func_cost.cpp func_SR.cpp selfish_routing_leblanc.cpp func_leblanc.cpp main_FR_Tgraph_instances.cpp -o ./main_FR_Tgraph_instances

ii) Run:

      ./main_FR_random_instances --outputdirectory --nodesfile --edgesfile --specify_toerance (0: No Tolerance, 1: Tolerance)

iii) Example:

      ./main_FR_Tgraph_instances data/Q-HOPE_output/Tgraph/graph_10000SA1__1 data/instances/Tgraph_noNorm/nodes_1.csv data/instances/Tgraph_noNorm/edges_1.csv 0 (no tolerance threshold)

      ./main_FR_Tgraph_instances data/Q-HOPE_output/Tgraph/graph_10000SA1__1 data/instances/Tgraph_noNorm/nodes_1.csv data/instances/Tgraph_noNorm/edges_1.csv 1 (with tolerance threshold)

Branch-and-bound: In Linux, use the Makefile to compile the binary leblanc_solver


Be sure to make clean before building a different version of the code.


The script can be used to run the leblanc_solver over a directory of instances.

Figures can be generated from the scripts/ Also outputs the associated Tables.

Tables for the 10, 20 and 30 node random instances can be generated using the scripts/ and scripts/