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INFORMS Journal on Computing Logo

Learning-based Online Optimization for Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Fleet Control

This archive is distributed in association with the INFORMS Journal on Computing under the MIT License.

The software and data in this repository are a snapshot of the software and data that were used in the research reported on in the paper Learning-based Online Optimization for Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Fleet Control by K.Jungel, A. Parmentier, M. Schiffer, and T. Vidal.

The snapshot is based on GitHub/ML-CO-pipeline-AMoD-control in the development repository.


To cite the contents of this repository, please cite both the paper and this repo, using their respective DOIs.

Below is the BibTex for citing this snapshot of the repository.

  author =        {Kai Jungel and Axel Parmentier and Maximilian Schiffer and Thibaut Vidal},
  publisher =     {INFORMS Journal on Computing},
  title =         {{Learning-based Online Optimization for Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Fleet Control}},
  year =          {2024},
  doi =           {10.1287/},
  url =           {},
  note =          {Available for download at},


This software learns a dispatching and rebalancing policy for autonomous-mobility on demand systems using a structured learning enriched combinatorial optimization pipeline.

This repository contains all relevant scripts and data sets to reproduce the results from the paper.
We assume using slurm.
We used Python version 3.8.10.
We used g++ version 9.4.0.
We run the code on a Linux Ubuntu system.
We thank Gerhard Hiermann to provide us the code from the paper A polynomial-time algorithm for user-based relocation in free-floating car sharing systems via git We used this code to calculate the k-dSPP solution.

This repository only contains script files while the working repository also contains the raw data, input files, and result files.

The structure of the repository is as follows:

  • cplusplus: contains a C++ interface to run computationally intensive functions in C++
  • data: contains all relevant data to reproduce the data
  • full_information_solutions: contains all full_information solution instances. Please unpack the .zip folder.
  • learning_problem: contains learning files to solve the structured learning problem
  • pipeline: contains code which specifies the objects of the pipeline
  • prep: contains code to preprocess the data
  • results: contains the result directories in .zip format. Please unpack the .zip folders.
  • src: contains helper files
  • visualization: contains scripts to reproduce plots and gif
  • Script to solve a full-information problem
  • Script to rebuild a digraph solution from the full-information solution
  • Script to test benchmarks
  • Script to start creation of training data / training / evaluation
  • run_bash_benchmarks.cmd: Script to evaluate benchmarks
  • run_bash_createInstances.cmd: Script to rebuild digraph solution from full-information solution
  • run_bash_training.cmd: Script to start to train the policy_SB and policy_CB
  • Main file to process the pipeline
  • Script to compare the Fenchel-Young loss and predictor loss
  • Script to compare the pipeline solution and the true solution
  • Script to train the policy_SB and policy_CB

Remark: We use taxi trip data from . We uploaded the taxi trip data we used to the working repository. Alternatively, you can download the data and store each day of trip data as a single .csv file in the ./data/taxi_data_Manhattan_2015_preprocessed/month-XX directory. We specify the name and the format of the .csv file in ./data/taxi_data_Manhattan_2015_preprocessed/taxi_data_format.txt .

Install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt.


The execution of the code follows a three-step approach:

  1. Creation of training instances: Calculation of full-information solution and rebuilding the digraph solution for online instances
  2. Training: Minimization of structured learning loss
  3. Evaluation of learned policies: policy_CB and policy_SB as well as benchmark policies sampling, greedy, and full-information.

Creation of training instances

Specify the experiment in the RUNNING_TYPE variable in
To create training instances (full-information solution + generation of training instances), enable the line which calls the run_bash_createInstances.cmd script.
All pre-specified parameters match the parameters used in the paper.


Keep the same experiment in the RUNNING_TYPE variable in as for calculating the training instances.
In the file, enable the line which calls the run_bash_training.cmd script.
This script automatically trains the policy_SB and the policy_CB for the specified experiment.
Then, run the file.


The run_bash_training.cmd script automatically evaluates the performance of the training right after the training terminated.
In the run_bash_training.cmd script you can define to evaluate the performance on a validation data set or on a testing data set. Both data sets are disjunct from the data set used for training.


Keep the same experiment in the RUNNING_TYPE variable in as for training the policy_SB and the policy_CB.
In the file enable the line which runs run_bash_benchmarks.cmd.
In the run_bash_benchmarks.cmd script you can define to evaluate the performance on a validation data set or on a testing data set. Both data sets are disjunct from the data set used for training.
Then, run the file.
The script automatically evaluates the offline, sampling, and offline benchmark.


Note: We uploaded the result files in the .zip format. Please first unpack the directories before running the visualization scripts.

  • visualization/ generates the plots from the paper
  • visualization/ generates the gif presented on the top of this page
  • visualization/ generates the heatmap from the paper showcasing the vehicle distribution for the different benchmarks (Requirement is to first run visualization/visualization_gif).

Ongoing Development

This code is being developed on an on-going basis at the author's Github site.


For support in using this software, submit an issue.