Rakushki (Russian: ракушки, "The shells") is a collection of two tile matching games that run in a web browser. The first is a recreation of the classic match-three game, Shariki (Russian: Ша́рики, "The Marbles"), better known by its successor Bejeweled. The second is a new game, Bombi (Russian: бомбы, "The Bombs"), where groups of 4 tiles combine to make bombs, which can then create chain reactions.
This game was created by IRONKLADD (Kenny Roffo, Hsuehkuan Lu, Alexander Jenkins, Dean Tupper, and Daniel Wysocki, as their semester project for CSC 380 - Software Engineering I at SUNY Oswego.
We created this with JavaScript and Stage.js.
Copyright (c) 2015 IRONKLADD under the MIT License