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Multilingual Speech Commands (MSC) dataset represents utterances for 35 keywords in Kazakh, Tatar, and Russian. In total, the dataset contains 3,623 utterances (119 speakers) in Kazakh, 3,547 utterances (153 speakers) in Tatar, and 1,625 utterances (54 speakers) in Russian. Overall, the dataset provides ~100 utterances per command for the Kazakh and Tatar languages and ~50 utterances per command for the Russian language. The utterances are one-second duration and saved in WAV format with a sampling rate of 16 kHz. The dataset can be downloaded from Google Drive.

ID English Kazakh Tatar Russian
1 backward артқа артка назад
2 forward алға алга вперед
3 right оңға уңга направо
4 left солға сулга налево
5 down төмен аска вниз
6 up жоғары өскә вверх
7 go жүр бар иди
8 stop тоқта тукта стой
9 on қос кабыз включи
10 off өшір сүндер выключи
11 yes иә әйе да
12 no жоқ юк нет
13 learn үйрен өйрән учись
14 follow орында ияреп бар следуй
15 zero нөл ноль ноль
16 one бір бер один
17 two екі ике два
18 three үш өч три
19 four төрт дүрт четыре
20 five бес биш пять
21 six алты алты шесть
22 seven жеті җиде семь
23 eight сегіз сигез восемь
24 nine тоғыз тугыз девять
25 bed төсек карават кровать
26 bird құс кош птица
27 cat мысық мәче кошка
28 dog ит эт собака
29 happy бақытты бәхетле счастливый
30 house үй өй дом
31 read оқы укы читай
32 write жаз яз пиши
33 tree ағаш агач дерево
34 visual көрнекі визуаль визуальный
35 wow мәссаған о ух ты

Model Training and Testing

We employed the Keyword-MLP model in this project. We sincerely thank the authors for open-sourcing the code.

  1. Download the code and install the required packages
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Download and unzip the dataset

We augmented the dataset for Kazakh, Russian, and Tatar to increase the dataset size. The augmented dataset can be downloaded from Google Drive. The statistics of the augmented dataset as follows:

Dataset Train Validation Test
Kazakh 80,028 12,600 10,500
Tatar 77,292 12,600 10,500
Russian 58,275 - 7,000
Google Speech Commands v2 84,843 9,981 11,005
  1. To train Keyword-MLP as a monolingual speech command recognition model, update paths to dataset in each configuration file and run the following commands:

Kazakh language:

python --conf configs/kwmlp_kscd.yaml

Tatar language:

python --conf configs/kwmlp_tscd.yaml

Russian language:

python --conf configs/kwmlp_rscd.yaml

English language:

python --conf configs/kwmlp_google.yaml
  1. To train Keyword-MLP as a multilingual speech command recognition model, update paths to dataset in each configuration file and run the following commands:


python --conf configs/kwmlp_multi_35.yaml


python --conf configs/kwmlp_multi_140.yaml
  1. To evaluate the monolingual and multilingual models, download the test set from Google Drive and run the following notebooks:

eval_kk.ipynb, eval_ru.ipynb, eval_tt.ipynb, and eval_en.ipynb


Pretrained models can be downloaded from Google Drive. The following table provides links for downloading the models and accuracy (%) of each model on the test sets.

Model Checkpoint Acc (kk) Acc (tt) Acc (ru) Acc (en)
Mono-35-kk Google Drive 97.43 - - -
Mono-35-tt Google Drive - 98.67 - -
Mono-35-ru Google Drive - - 95.43 -
Mono-35-en Google Drive - - - 97.24
Multi-35 Google Drive 98.57 99.33 96.86 97.33
Multi-140 Google Drive 97.71 99.24 96.57 97.12


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