Releases: ISPP-07/backend
Releases · ISPP-07/backend
PPL Backend
What's Changed
- Develop by @jmartinacu in #232
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #260
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #261
- Feature/256 warehouse update by @jmartinacu in #259
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #264
- feat: Created import families with excel #262 by @jmartinacu in #263
- Feat/265 backup endpoint by @gonzcm in #266
Full Changelog: 3.0.0...4.0.0
Backend Sprint 3
What's Changed
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #217
- Feature/213 product endpoints by @jmartinacu in #216
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #219
- Feature/139 pagination by @jmartinacu in #218
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #227
- Feat/230 deploy swagger docs by @gonzcm in #231
- Fix/228 count documents for pagination by @gonzcm in #229
- Fix/223 update getinterventions scheme by @gonzcm in #224
- Fix/225 update deliveries for certain fields by @gonzcm in #226
- Fix/221 UUID conversion population scripts by @gonzcm in #222
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #235
- feat: Created deploy workflow #233 by @jmartinacu in #234
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #238
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #241
- Feature/208 changes user cyc by @gonzcm in #237
- Feature/204 filters get all by @jmartinacu in #246
- Test/239 add test for recovery qr by @gonzcm in #240
- Fix/242 update pydantic deprecated features by @gonzcm in #243
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #247
- Feat/220 Added get interventions by patient id by @gonzcm in #236
- Fix/248 delete unused intervention endpoint by @gonzcm in #249
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #255
- fix: Fixed two miscellaneous tasks #253 by @jmartinacu in #254
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...3.0.0
Sprint 2 Backend
What's Changed
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #81
- Feature/78 database schema update by @alvgonfri in #80
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #89
- refactor: Refactored patient methods #85 by @alvgonfri in #88
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #91
- Refactor/84 Migrated intervention resources to MongoDB by @gonzcm in #90
- Feature/76 implement api with mongodb by @jmartinacu in #94
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #112
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #121
- test: Created tests for auth resource #104 by @jmartinacu in #119
- refactor: Refactored patient creation test to mongodb #95 by @josgarber6 in #111
- doc: Update README file #105 by @josgarber6 in #124
- refactor: Refactored create user test to mongo #109 by @jmartinacu in #110
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #126
- Fix/103 refactor intervention creation test by @Thealean28 in #130
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #129
- Feature/82 api call for delivery details by @josgarber6 in #122
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #131
- Fix/99 refactor family details test by @davidg43 in #128
- Fix/96 Refactor Intervention Detail Test by @josgarber6 in #120
- Feature/79 api call for delivery listing by @davidg43 in #132
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #135
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #137
- fix: Add refactor patient details test #102 by @Thealean28 in #127
- fix: Refactored get product listing test #98 by @alblopnov in #134
- Fix/101 Refactored product creation tests by @gonzcm in #138
- Feature/83 password recovery system by @Thealean28 in #125
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #141
- Feature/77 api call for delivery creation by @alvgonfri in #136
- Fix/100 Refactored get patients tests by @gonzcm in #140
- Fix/97 refactor family creation test by @alblopnov in #133
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #143
- Fix/106 Refactored code to standards in cyc module by @alblopnov in #142
- Fix/107 Refactored acat module code by @gonzcm in #146
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #154
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #151
- Feature/147 populate backend by @gonzcm in #153
- fix: Fixed repeated ids in products #149 by @jmartinacu in #150
- Feature/115 Added channel workflow by @gonzcm in #156
- Feature/152 Added populate json cyc by @alejandromd in #157
- Feature/114 update and delete user by @alvgonfri in #148
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #159
- Feature/145 improve delivery logic by @jmartinacu in #158
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #164
- Feature/115 feat update and delete family by @alvgonfri in #162
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #170
- Feature/118 update delete person by @davidg43 in #163
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #169
- fix: Fixed update person error #171 by @jmartinacu in #172
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #167
- Feature/116 feat update and delete patient by @jmartinacu in #166
- Feature/144 update delete delivery by @alvgonfri in #165
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #179
- Feature/177 Updated cors origins configuration by @gonzcm in #178
- fix: Refactored user secret service #174 by @gonzcm in #176
- Fix/175 fix error warehouse create by @alblopnov in #182
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #184
- Feature/117 update delete intervention by @alblopnov in #183
- fix: Solved user update error by @alvgonfri in #188
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #193
- feat: Created get all users #185 by @jmartinacu in #186
- Feature/108 import data from excel by @jmartinacu in #168
- fix: Fixed create, update and delete delivery updating quantity by @alblopnov in #192
- fix: Solve update and delete person #190 by @josgarber6 in #191
- Fix/196 check username and email uniqueness by @alvgonfri in #197
- fix: Fixed the Intervention patch endpoint by @alblopnov in #199
- fix: Fixed import excel products and patients #194 by @jmartinacu in #195
- doc: Updated pull request template #200 by @alvgonfri in #201
- Fix/202 error update intervention by @jmartinacu in #203
- feat: Updated coverage workflow #180 by @gonzcm in #181
- Fix/209 Updated endpoint staging auth settings by @gonzcm in #210
- fix: Added new populate json by @alblopnov in #212
- Fix/214 update product by @jmartinacu in #215
New Contributors
- @alejandromd made their first contribution in #157
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...2.0.0
Backend Sprint 1
What's Changed
- Feature/1 create db schema by @jmartinacu in #15
- hotfix: Solve EventLoop Asyncio Error Windows #18 by @josgarber6 in #19
- Fix/16 fix patient family schemas by @jmartinacu in #20
- docs: Created pull request template #12 by @alvgonfri in #13
- Conf/22 update develop from main by @alvgonfri in #23
- conf: Added support for db and api testing by @gonzcm in #29
- Test/9 api call for patient creation by @josgarber6 in #34
- feature: Added dynamic imports NGO urls #32 by @jmartinacu in #33
- feature: Added API call for family creation #6 by @alvgonfri in #25
- Test/10 api call for patient details by @Thealean28 in #36
- Feature/40 database schema products appointments by @jmartinacu in #41
- fix: Assert response is correct #10 by @Thealean28 in #53
- Feature/50 Bluejay Integration by @AntonioRodriguezRuiz in #56
- test: Added appointment creation test #58 by @Thealean28 in #59
- fix: Added technician in appointment test #58 by @Thealean28 in #60
- Doc/37 update pull request template by @alvgonfri in #38
- Hotfix/61 model metadata load by @gonzcm in #62
- Feature/45 api call for family listing by @alvgonfri in #49
- Conf/30 updated deprecated framework config by @gonzcm in #31
- feat: API call for appointmet creation by @davidg43 in #57
- Feature/39 api call for product creation by @josgarber6 in #55
- Feature/48 API call for product listing by @gonzcm in #64
- Feature/3 api call for patient listing by @josgarber6 in #21
- Fix/61 Ammended duplicated metadata fix by @gonzcm in #65
- Feature/28 Added auth module and user logic by @gonzcm in #66
- test: Fixed appointment creation test #67 by @alvgonfri in #68
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #69
- Feature 4 create patients call by @Thealean28 in #24
- Feature/5 api call for patient detail get by @alblopnov in #26
- Conf/35 development workflows by @gonzcm in #51
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #70
- feat: Added family details get endpoint #46 by @Thealean28 in #54
- refactor: Applied Autopep8 action corrections by @github-actions in #73
- Fix/71 integration for deployment by @gonzcm in #72
- Fix/71 Added production dependency by @gonzcm in #74
- Sprint 1 by @alvgonfri in #75
New Contributors
- @jmartinacu made their first contribution in #15
- @josgarber6 made their first contribution in #19
- @alvgonfri made their first contribution in #13
- @gonzcm made their first contribution in #29
- @Thealean28 made their first contribution in #36
- @AntonioRodriguezRuiz made their first contribution in #56
- @davidg43 made their first contribution in #57
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #69
- @alblopnov made their first contribution in #26
Full Changelog: