This week we will revisit writing C programs. In IT1050 the programming language you will use C++ is based on the C language and you have to use your C knowledge to write C++ programs
Write a C program to input marks of two subjects. Calculate and print the average of the two marks.
Program File - Tute01.c
Write a program to calculate the amount to be paid for a rented vehicle.
- Input the distance the van has travelled
- The first 30 km is at a rate of 50/= per km.
- The remaining distance is calculated at the rate of 40/= per km.
Distance -> 20
Amount = 20 x 50 = 1000
Distance -> 50
Amount = 30 x 50 + (50-30) x 40 = 2300
Program File - Tute02.c
Write a C program to calculate the sum of the numbers from 1 to n. Where n is a keyboard input.
n -> 100
sum = 1+2+3+....+ 99+100 = 5050
n -> 1-
sum = 1+2+3+...+10 = 55
Program File - Tute03.c
Implement the three functions minimum()
, maximum()
and multiply()
below the main()
Do not change the code given in the main() function when you are implementing your solution.
int main() {
int no1, no2;
printf("Enter a value for no 1 : ");
scanf("%d", &no1);
printf("Enter a value for no 2 : ");
scanf("%d", &no2);
printf("%d ", minimum(no1, no2));
printf("%d ", maximum(no1, no2));
printf("%d ", multiply(no1, no2));
return 0;
Program File - Tute04.c