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ALIGN System


System requirements

It's recommended to run the system on a machine with at least 32GB of RAM and with a modern GPU with at least 12GB of memory.


It's generally recommended to set up a virtual Python environment to neatly manage dependencies (e.g. using venv or conda). The align-system code can be installed as a Python module with pip install git+

Running the system

To run the default sytem configuration against included sample data, simply run:


NOTE - The first time you run the system it can take upwards of a half-hour to download the LLM model (which is roughly 25GB). Subsequent runs of the system should only take a few minutes as the model is cached.


We use Hydra to handle our system configurations. This allows us to set up sensible defaults for our configuration, while allowing additional configurations to build up and override existing configs, as well as override configuration values at runtime.

The default configuration is (note that Hydra configuration files are .yaml):

name: action_based

  - interface: input_output_file
  - adm: single_kdma_baseline
  - override hydra/job_logging: custom

loglevel: "EXPLAIN"

save_log: true
save_input_output: true
save_scoring_output: true

align_to_target: False

Overriding at runtime

Hydra's override syntax on the command line is fairly straightforward (covered in their documentation here). Though note the + prefix for +alignment_target=maximization_high in the example below, here we're adding a new configuration field that isn't specified in the default configuration (as opposed to overriding an existing field)

In the example below, we're building upon the default configuration, but we're running the kaleido_hybrid ADM (it's configuration can be found here), aligning to maximization_high, and interfacing with the ta3 service (instead of a local sample file).

run_align_system \
    loglevel="DEBUG" \
    adm=hybrid_kaleido \
    +alignment_target=maximization_high \
    align_to_target=true \
    interface=ta3 \
    interface.session_type='soartech' \
    interface.scenario_ids='["desert-1-train1","jungle-1-train1","submarine-1-train1","urban-1-train1"]' \


By default, the run_align_system command puts output files in the current working directory, under outputs/<year-month-day>/<hour-minute-second> (e.g. "outputs/2024-06-18/14-55-31"). The output directory and sub-directory pattern can be overridden on the command line by settting the parameter.


Hydra also saves out all of the config parameters, config overrides, and internal hydra parameters for the run in the output directory in a subdirectory called .hydra.

Output scores

Assuming the save_scoring_output configuration option is true (this is the default), and you're not running against the TA3 server for an eval session, the run_align_sytem command will save any scoring output from the run as scores.json.


Overriding at the command line is quick and handy, but Hydra has this notion of "experiments", which are essentially a set of overrides captured in a new configuration file. We manage these experiments in align_system/configs/experiment, and have created an experiment for each of the delivered ADMs for the Metrics Evaluation (both to run on training data, and eval data).

Phase 1 Evaluation ADM Invocations

We've specified Hydra experiments for the Phase 1 Evaluation ADMs. Note that by default these configurations attempt to connect to as the TA3 API endpoint, but this can be overridden with interface.api_endpoint='' on the command line.

Random ADM

(Good candidate for a smoketest)

run_align_system +experiment=phase1_evaluation/random_eval_live

Baseline ADM

run_align_system +experiment=phase1_evaluation/baseline_eval_live

Aligned ADM Adept (Comparative Regression + ICL + Template ADM) (ADEPT eval scenarios)

run_align_system +experiment=dry_run_evaluation/aligned_adm_adept_eval

Aligned ADM SoarTech (Comparative Regression + ICL + Template ADM) (SoarTech eval scenarios)

run_align_system +experiment=dry_run_evaluation/aligned_adm_soartech_eval

Implementing a new ADM

To implement a new ADM, at a minimum you need to implement a class with a choose_action method that takes the following arguments:

  • scenario_state -- Current state of the scenario, model is defined here
  • available_actions -- List of actions the ADM can choose to take, model is defined here
  • alignment_target -- Alignment target (or None if not aligning), model is defined here
  • **kwargs -- A catch all for any additional arguments you want your ADM to receive at inference time

And this choose_action method should return one of the available_actions, which may require filling in additional parameters such as the treatment location for a treatment action, or triage tag category for a tagging action

The RandomADM is a good example to start with.

Creating a configuration file for your new ADM

To run your new ADM from the command line, you'll need to create a default configuration file in the align_system/configs/adm directory. The name of the config file you create is important, as that's how you'll reference your ADM from the command line.

As an example, here's the single_kdma_aligned.yaml config:

  _target_: align_system.algorithms.llama_2_single_kdma_adm.Llama2SingleKDMAADM

  hf_model: meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf
  precision: half
  temperature: 0.7

  baseline: false
  n_negative_samples: 5
  n_positive_samples: 5
  shuffle: true

Notice that there are two top level keywords, instance (for specifying how an instance of your ADM should be created), and inference_kwargs (will be passed to your ADM's choose_action method as the **kwargs at inference time)

The _target_ field under instance should be the full import path to your ADM's class. Note that your ADM doesn't have to be a class in the align_system module, as long as it's importable.

To use your new ADM on the command line, do run_align_system adm=my_new_adm (assuming you named your new ADM config file my_new_adm.yaml).

System Requirements by Algorithm / Model

Note: This table is a work-in-progress and will evolve as we add new algorithms / models

Algorithm Model RAM GPU Memory Disk Space Hugging Face Link Notes
llama_index tiiuae/falcon-7b-instruct >32GB ~18GB ~13GB
llm_chat Llama-2-7b-chat-hf >32GB ~18GB ~13GB Requires license agreement:
llm_chat Llama-2-13b-chat-hf >48GB ~28GB ~25GB Requires license agreement:


External interfaces

Developer environment setup


This research was developed with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. FA8650-23-C-7316. The views, opinions and/or findings expressed are those of the author and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or policies of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.


We emphasize that our work should be considered academic research, as we cannot fully guarantee model outputs are free of inaccuracies or biases that may pose risks if relied upon for medical decision-making. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for personal medical needs.