Sending output to an interactive table in a browser
The easiest way to get OutTabulatorView is using the PSRepository UNIBAS.
PS> Register-PSRepository -Name 'UNIBAS' -SourceLocation '' -InstallationPolicy Trusted -PackageManagementProvider NuGet
You can install it using:
PS> Install-Module -Name OutTabulatorView -Repository UNIBAS -Scope CurrentUser
Once installed from the PSRepository, you can update it using:
PS> Update-Module -Name OutTabulatorView
You can remove it using:
PS> Uninstall-Module -Name OutTabulatorView
$Data = Get-Process | Select-Object Company, Name, Handles
$ColumnOptions = $(
New-ColumnOption Company -HeaderFilter select
New-ColumnOption Name -HeaderFilter input
New-ColumnOption Handles -HeaderFilter input
$Data | Out-TabulatorView -ColumnOptions $ColumnOptions -Layout fitColumns -HeaderFilter
$Data = Get-Process | Select-Object Company, Name, Handles
$ColumnOptions = $(
New-ColumnOption Company -HeaderFilter select
New-ColumnOption Name -HeaderFilter input
New-ColumnOption Handles -HeaderFilter input
Out-TabulatorView -Data $Data -ColumnOptions $ColumnOptions -Layout fitData -Path 'C:\Temp\TabulatorView' -Title 'My Processes' -Theme Site
A detailed release history is contained in the Change Log.