Bitcoin based coupon generator used for the IUNO technology data marketplace demonstrator.
java -jar CouponGenerator.jar <command> <name> [parameters]
- initialize this command will initialize a new wallet system for the generation of coupons
- status this command will show how much value is left in the feed wallet and the coupons
- generate this command will generate a specified amount of coupons of a specified value
- sweep this command will sweep all expired coupons
- reset reset wallet and blockchain
- --expiration-- the expiration date of coupons generated by the wallet
- --seed-- optional seed to create HD wallet system
- number number of coupons to generate
- value value that each coupon shall get
java -jar CouponGenerator.jar init myCoupons
java -jar CouponGenerator.jar status myCoupons
java -jar CouponGenerator.jar generate myCoupons <amount> <value>
java -jar CouponGenerator.jar generate myCoupons 100 0.005
java -jar CouponGenerator.jar sweep myCoupons
java -jar CouponGenerator.jar reset myCoupons