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WorldFAIR Chemistry: Protocol Services


This project corresponds to Deliverable 3.3 of the WorldFAIR Chemistry project. The main scope of work will be to define a common protocol for resolving different chemical representations. The specification will articulate a shared data model for chemical information exchange through an API that can be implemented by any system that manages chemical records. Users will be able to query registered resources with different scopes and capabilities at a general level to determine where they can find additional data and information. The model will cover a range of chemical representations, including structural diagrams, nomenclature and other linear notations. The protocol will also provide a standard set of error codes for flagging ambiguous or conflicting representations.


Representing chemical substances in structure form is one of the most critical functions in communicating chemistry, including sharing FAIR and machine-readable chemical data, as many resources are indexed by chemical structures. There are a range of approaches for articulating chemical substance information, depending on the scientific nature and context, and the digital motifs used in chemical databases and chemicals software, present additional layers of complexity. Chemical interpretation can vary between data systems and directly impact downstream reuse, especially when it comes to representation and analysis of associated data. Validation of chemical description is an essential requirement for the re-usability of chemical data, including discovery and in many modeling and predictive AI/ML applications.

This project aims to develop the specification for a web-based service that confirms chemical identity and provides real-time feedback on the machine-readability of chemical data and metadata representation, based on IUPAC standard rule sets and recommended best practices. The goal is thus to describe the interface of services that provide the functionality described. While a prototype implementation may be (and largely has been) developed, it is illustrative only and not a final product; participating organizations would be free to implement the service with whatever technology (toolkits, programming languages) is convenient to them.

Target Audience

The people that this project will impact or influence are, broadly speaking:

  • Chemical database owners: These are organizations that would implement and provide these web services to the public.
  • Chemistry application developers: These are people writing applications that would directly use the web services described here.
  • Chemists: The end users, who would be accessing these web services indirectly, through a chemical drawing program or ELN notebook or such.
  • Chemical toolkit developers: These are people writing chemical toolkits that could be used to implement the web services described here.

The Two Main Components Of This Project

There are two, separate but related, chemical information services proposed by this project. Very briefly, these are designed to answer the following two questions, which are described in more detail below:

  • Does this organization know anything about this particular chemical?
  • How does this organization interpret my chemical structure, does it match my expectations?

Global Resolver

Many public databases have programmatic interfaces that let one query for a particular chemical, through some sort of web service. But these are all unique to individual organizations; PubChem's works very differently from EPA's, etc. So an application developer that wants to gather information from multiple resources would have to write separate, specialized code for each database. This is a heavy burden.

If, instead, there were a common web service interface used by multiple database providers, then the developer could easily add the ability to query all these databases using a single code layer. One could even imagine writing a "global search" web site where a user could enter a single query, such as an InChIkey or SMILES string, and have that go out to PubChem, EPA, ChEMBL, etc., to see if they have a corresponding record in their databases.

Such a system would require a standard interface, presumably to a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) using the normal HTTP protocol (because just about any programming language has a way to send HTTP calls over the internet). And that, in turn, requires participating organizations to agree on the interface, and to implement a service that adheres to it. But the advantage to standardizing on the interface alone means that the web service itself could be implemented in any technology the organization chooses - C++, Java, etc.

There is a white paper style document describing this idea, with some illustrative examples, here in this repository.

Chemical Structure Validator

Machine readability of a chemical structure is a significant issue in cheminformatics. There are standard formats, of course, but different major chemical database organizations may interpret and process a record somewhat (or very) differently. This aspect of the project is not about creating a full standard for chemical structure interpretation, but rather providing a common way for individual organizations to provide feedback on what they make of the user's structure.

End user chemists, such as a laboratory researcher using an ELN system, may not be expert in the cheminformatics - how the computer interprets their structure. So it would be great if there were a way for the user (through their ELN application) to ask questions such as: What does this organization think of the structure as I've drawn it here? Does it have proper valences (e.g. no pentavalent carbons)? Does it have the right number of defined stereocenters? Where are there implicit hydrogens being perceived? Does their automatically generated image of this chemical match what I've drawn?

Having a common web service API to send the user's structure, and get feedback like this, would allow application developers, and by extension their users, to easily check their structures against multiple ogranizations, each of which may - and probably will - have their own rules for chemical processing, to see whether the chemicals are processed as the user expects, or whether there are ambiguities. In other words, "Is their computer handling my chemical structure the same way I (the expert chemist) have it in my head?" This is fundamental to machine readability.

There is a white paper style document describing this idea, with some illustrative examples, here in this repository.

What's In This Repository

Currently this repository contains informational documents only, on what the project is about and what it's trying to accomplish. At present, these documents are fairly informal. In the future, there will be more detailed and formal specification documents, and there may be interactive example/demo pages, code snippets (e.g. a base implmentation of the structure validator in C++/RDKit), etc.

About this project

The Committee on Data of the International Science Council (CODATA) and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) have recently launched the WorldFAIR Initiative to advance implementation of the FAIR data principles within and across research domains. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), known as the world authority on chemical nomenclature, terminology, and standardized methods of measurement, is leading the WorldFAIR Chemistry project in a concerted effort through collaboration with related disciplines and data science communities to support broader data sharing of chemical data. The goal of WorldFAIR Chemistry is to support the use of chemical data standards in research workflows to enable downstream data reuse through practical direction and resources.

WorldFAIR “Global cooperation on FAIR data policy and practice” is funded by the EC HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-41 Coordination and Support Action under Grant Agreement No. 101058393.


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