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Larus is a prover for coherent logic, a fragment of first order logic. It has several proving engines available. One is based on forward chaining and instantiations. The others are based on encoding a proof of the theorem being proved to SAT or SMT. Encoding to SAT is performed via the tool URSA. SAT solving is done using the embedded solver clasp ( Encoding to SMT use one of four SMT theories: QF_BV, QF_LIA, QF_UFBV, QF_UFLIA.


This software is distributed under the licence GPLv3.


Larus is written in the C++ programming language. To build it, just type make in the root folder.


Larus can use the following external tools :

Larus assumes these tools are in the PATH. URSA is invoed when the option -eursa is used. Z3 is invoked when the options -esmtbv -esmtlia are used. MiniZinc with or-tools is invoked when the option -eminizinc is used. Vampire is invoked when the option -h is used. Coq is invoked when the option -vcoqis used. Mizar is invoked when the option -vmizaris used. Isabelle is invoked when the option -visais used.


Accepted input format is the standard TPTP FOF format, restricted to formulas which are in coherent logic form.


If a proof is found Larus will output: % SZS status Theorem otherwise: % SZS status Unknown


larus -l<time limit> -f<format> -s -e<stl|sql|ursa|smtlia|smtbv> -n<max nesting> -p<max proof length> -vcoq filename

-l for time limit; example: -l10; default: 10s

-f for input format (only tptp is supported at the moment); example -ftptp; default: tptp

-s for search for a shortest proof; example:-s; default: no, search for a shortest proof

-d for disabling proof simplification; default is false

-i without inlining simple axioms; default is true

-x find a proof of length equal to the given length; default it false = length <= n

-e for proving engine (stl, sql, ursa, smtlia, smtbv, smtuflia, smtufbv, minizinc); when using minizinc, the solver or-tools is used; examples: -eursa; default: smtbv

-n for maximal proof depth in which a fact can be used; example: -n3; default: 2

-m for the size of the proof search to start with (support for smt engines only); example: -m4; default: 2

-p for maximal proof length (for engines ursa/smt); example: -p64; default: 32

-k for the step between subsequent proof lengths; example: -k2; default: 12

-nonegelim do not use negation elimination axiom (R & ~R => false)

-noexcludedmiddle do not use excluded middle axiom (R | ~R)

-h use a FOL prover for filtering out needed axioms ( is optional, default: 18)

-a the way the external prover is invoked as a hammer to filter out the needed axioms; only relevant if -h is used; (default: 'vampire --mode casc --proof tptp --output_axiom_names on'

-v for generating and verifying the proof by an interactive theorem prover (coq, mizar); example: -vcoq; default: none

-bnumber of abducts; default: 0 (support for abducts is not implemented for stl/sql/ursa proving engines)

-gclca for generating a GCLC illustration of the proof based on illustrations of axioms.
default is false

-gclcp for generating a GCLC illustration of the proof based on illustrations of predicates. default is false


Running the following command in the Larus directory: ./larus -esmtbv -vcoq -m18 benchmarks/tptp-problems/euclid-native-eq/008_proposition_03.p uses Z3 smt solver to find a proof starting by looking for a proof of length 18, then the proof is checked by Coq. The proofs are written in the proofs subdirectory (that is supposed to exist prior to invoking the prover).

--- Reading axioms and conjecture : 
--- Theorem to be proved: 
      File name:    benchmarks/tptp-problems/euclid-native-eq/008_proposition_03.p
      Theorem name: proposition_03
      Conjecture:   (! [A,B,C,D,E,F] : (? [X] : ((lt(C,D,A,B) & cong(E,F,A,B)) => ((betS(E,X,F) & cong(E,X,C,D))))))
--- Input axioms : 
         Axiom 0: lemma_congruencesymmetric: (! [A,B,C,D] : ((cong(B,C,A,D)) => ((cong(A,D,B,C)))))
         Axiom 1: lemma_lessthancongruence: (! [A,B,C,D,E,F] : ((lt(A,B,C,D) & cong(C,D,E,F)) => ((lt(A,B,E,F)))))
         Axiom 2: deflessthan: (! [A,B,C,D] : (? [X] : ((lt(A,B,C,D)) => ((betS(C,X,D) & cong(C,X,A,B))))))
         Axiom 3: deflessthan2: (! [A,B,C,D,X] : ((betS(C,X,D) & cong(C,X,A,B)) => ((lt(A,B,C,D)))))
--- Normalization to CL2 : input size: 4
         Input Axiom: (! [A,B,C,D] : ((cong(B,C,A,D)) => ((cong(A,D,B,C)))))
         Input Axiom: (! [A,B,C,D,E,F] : ((lt(A,B,C,D) & cong(C,D,E,F)) => ((lt(A,B,E,F)))))
         Input Axiom: (! [A,B,C,D] : (? [X] : ((lt(A,B,C,D)) => ((betS(C,X,D) & cong(C,X,A,B))))))
                   0. (! [C,X,D,A,B] : ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B)) => ((betS(C,X,D)))))
                   1. (! [C,X,D,A,B] : ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B)) => ((cong(C,X,A,B)))))
                   2. (! [A,B,C,D] : (? [X] : ((lt(A,B,C,D)) => ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B))))))
         Input Axiom: (! [A,B,C,D,X] : ((betS(C,X,D) & cong(C,X,A,B)) => ((lt(A,B,C,D)))))
         Definitions : 
         betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B) -> ((betS(C,X,D) & cong(C,X,A,B)))
         betS_cong_0(E,X,F,C,D) -> ((betS(E,X,F) & cong(E,X,C,D)))
--- Adding axioms for excluded middle and negation elimination.
      Checking validity without excluded middle: size: 7
         Axiom 0: lemma_congruencesymmetric: (! [A,B,C,D] : ((cong(B,C,A,D)) => ((cong(A,D,B,C)))))
         Axiom 1: lemma_lessthancongruence: (! [A,B,C,D,E,F] : ((lt(A,B,C,D) & cong(C,D,E,F)) => ((lt(A,B,E,F)))))
         Axiom 2: deflessthan: (! [A,B,C,D] : (? [X] : ((lt(A,B,C,D)) => ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B))))))
         Axiom 3: deflessthanAuxConjDisj1: (! [C,X,D,A,B] : ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B)) => ((cong(C,X,A,B)))))
         Axiom 4: deflessthanAuxConjDisj0: (! [C,X,D,A,B] : ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B)) => ((betS(C,X,D)))))
         Axiom 5: deflessthan2: (! [A,B,C,D,X] : ((betS(C,X,D) & cong(C,X,A,B)) => ((lt(A,B,C,D)))))
         Axiom 6: proposition_03AuxGoal0: (! [E,X,F,C,D] : ((betS(E,X,F) & cong(E,X,C,D)) => ((betS_cong_0(E,X,F,C,D)))))
      After check of excluded middle axioms: output size: 7
         Axiom 0: lemma_congruencesymmetric: (! [A,B,C,D] : ((cong(B,C,A,D)) => ((cong(A,D,B,C)))))
         Axiom 1: lemma_lessthancongruence: (! [A,B,C,D,E,F] : ((lt(A,B,C,D) & cong(C,D,E,F)) => ((lt(A,B,E,F)))))
         Axiom 2: deflessthan: (! [A,B,C,D] : (? [X] : ((lt(A,B,C,D)) => ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B))))))
         Axiom 3: deflessthanAuxConjDisj1: (! [C,X,D,A,B] : ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B)) => ((cong(C,X,A,B)))))
         Axiom 4: deflessthanAuxConjDisj0: (! [C,X,D,A,B] : ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B)) => ((betS(C,X,D)))))
         Axiom 5: deflessthan2: (! [A,B,C,D,X] : ((betS(C,X,D) & cong(C,X,A,B)) => ((lt(A,B,C,D)))))
         Axiom 6: proposition_03AuxGoal0: (! [E,X,F,C,D] : ((betS(E,X,F) & cong(E,X,C,D)) => ((betS_cong_0(E,X,F,C,D)))))
--- Saturating for inlining. 
      Derived lemma (0): (! [C,X,D,A,B] : ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B)) => ((cong(A,B,C,X)))))
      After saturation: output size: 8
         Univ axioms - to be inlined: 
         Simple implication axioms - to be inlined: 
            Axiom 0: lemma_congruencesymmetric: (! [A,B,C,D] : ((cong(B,C,A,D)) => ((cong(A,D,B,C)))))
            Axiom 3: deflessthanAuxConjDisj1: (! [C,X,D,A,B] : ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B)) => ((cong(C,X,A,B)))))
            Axiom 4: deflessthanAuxConjDisj0: (! [C,X,D,A,B] : ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B)) => ((betS(C,X,D)))))
            Axiom 7: deflessthanAuxConjDisj1sat0: (! [C,X,D,A,B] : ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B)) => ((cong(A,B,C,X)))))
         To be used explicitly in MP steps: 
            Axiom 1: lemma_lessthancongruence: (! [A,B,C,D,E,F] : ((lt(A,B,C,D) & cong(C,D,E,F)) => ((lt(A,B,E,F)))))
            Axiom 2: deflessthan: (! [A,B,C,D] : (? [X] : ((lt(A,B,C,D)) => ((betS_cong_2(C,X,D,A,B))))))
            Axiom 5: deflessthan2: (! [A,B,C,D,X] : ((betS(C,X,D) & cong(C,X,A,B)) => ((lt(A,B,C,D)))))
            Axiom 6: proposition_03AuxGoal0: (! [E,X,F,C,D] : ((betS(E,X,F) & cong(E,X,C,D)) => ((betS_cong_0(E,X,F,C,D)))))
--- Support for case splits turned OFF. 
--- Instantiating the goal.
Looking for a proof of length: 18 (found), 
Best found proof: of the length 18

The proof found size (without assumptions): 5

Done! (simplified proof length without assumptions: 4)
Verifying Coq proof ... Correct!
Elapsed time: 0.188085
% SZS status Theorem 

Checking proofs using Coq

In order to check the output using Coq first you need to compile the Coq tactics necessary for checking the proofs (tactics have been tested with Coq 8.11): cd proofs ./ make

The option -vcoq generates a .v file in the proofs directory and compiles it using the version of Coq found in the path.

Checking proofs using Isabelle

Issue the following command in your Isabelle bin folder, e.g:

~/Isabelle2022/bin/isabelle mkroot LarusSession

Then, in the newly created folder LarusSession, update the file ROOT so its contents is:

session LarusSession = HOL +
  options [document = pdf, document_output = "output"]

Here, in this folder, the proof files (always under the name Larus.thy) will be generated by larus. The above should be done just once and the system is ready for verification of Isabelle proofs.

In each particular invocation of larus, the absolute path to your Isabelle bin folder (e.g. ~/Isabelle2022/bin/) should be given as an argument to larus, after the option -visa, e.g: ./larus myexample -visa "~/Isabelle2022/bin/"

If this folder is not given, then larus does not verify the generated proof (nor it generates the file Larus.thy). In both cases (whether or not the folder is given), if the option -visa is used, larus will generate a file with Isabelle proof of your theorem, in the subfolder proof (which is assumed to exist), under the name that contains the name of the input file.


The support for hints uses hints given through the input files specifying the conjecture. Currently, only the TPTP/fof format is supported. Also, currently, the support for hints works only with the URSA-bases proving engine (e.g. only when the parameter -eursa is used).

The following examples illustrate the usage of hints. Let us consider the following TPTP/for example:

fof(ax1,axiom,(! [A,B] : (p(A,B) => r(B,A)))).
fof(ax2,axiom,(! [A,B] : (p(A,B) => q(B,A)))).
fof(ax3,axiom,(! [A,B] : (r(A,B) => r(B,A)))).
fof(ax4,axiom,(! [A,B] : (r(A,B) => p(B,A)))).
fof(ax5,axiom,(! [A,B] : (q(A,B) => q(B,A)))).
fof(ax6,axiom,(! [A,B] : (q(A,B) => p(B,A)))).
fof(ch,conjecture,(! [A,B] : (p(A,B) => p(B,A)))).

The hints can be given within such file (the position is irrelevant).

The hint: fof(hintname0, hint, r(?,?), _, _). imposes that a fact r(?,?) will be present in some step of the proof. Arguments (?,?) show that there is no constraint on the arguments in that proof step.

The hint: fof(hintname0, hint, q(1,0), 5, _). imposes that a fact q(1,0) will be present in the step 5 of the proof. The arguments will be 0th and 1st constants introduced.

The hint: fof(hintname0, hint, r(?,?), 1, _). imposes that a fact r(?,?) will be present in the step 1 of the proof. Here the numbering includes initial assumption steps.

The hint: fof(hintname0, hint, _, _, ax2(?,?)). imposes that the axiom ax2 must be used in the proof, not specified in which proof step.

The hint: fof(hintname0, hint, _, 3, ax2(0,1)). imposes that the axiom ax2 must be used in the step 3, over the 0th and the 1st constant introduced.

The hint: fof(hintname0, hint, _, 3, ax2(A,A)). imposes that the axiom ax2 must be used in the step 3, in such a way that the first and the second universal variable are instantiated by the same constant.

Note that the simplification at the end may eliminate the described proof step if it is redundant.


Scripts for running benches is file benchmarks/ and benchmarks are available in the directory benchmarks/tptp-problems/.


Avancés de mon travail sur la libraire Larus







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