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Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm based on Unbiased Topology


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# UMLAUT 1.0 - Little snail
DOI: 323649071.svg

Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm based on Unbiased Topology 
By Ivano Baronchelli, May/2019 - Jan/2021
Baronchelli I. et al. (2021) describes UMLAUT and one example of use.
Additional simple examples are included in this distribution. 

UMLAUT is a variant of the KNN (K-closest neighbor) algorithm.
- Given a set of reference data points (training set), for which
the value of N+1 parameters is known,
- Given one analysis data point with N parameters known and the
(N+1)-th parameter unknown,
--> UMLAUT estimates the value of the (N+1)-th parameter for the
analysis data point. To this purpose, UMLAUT finds the closest
data-points of the training set, in a N-dimensional space 
"associated" (see NOTE 1 below) with the parameter space.
After finding the closest data points, the unknown parameter
is obtained as the combination (ex. average) of the values assumed 
by the closest reference data points, along the (N+1)-th dimension. 

1) the "associated" N-dimensional space is NOT the parameter
   space itself. In fact, during the training phase,
   - every dimension is "ordinalized": the actual value assumed
      by each of the M data points of the reference sample along
      the N dimensions is replaced by the position (1,2,...,M)
      of the data point itself in a ordered scale
   - The N ordinalized dimensions are scaled following a weighting
      process that tries to minimize the dispersion along the 
      estimated (N+1)-th parameter.
2) The simplest configuration, with only one unknown
   parameteris (the [N+1]-th), is described above. However,
   UMLAUT can be used to determine many unknown parameters, with 
   no limitaions. Obviously, the value of the same parameters must 
   be known for the data points of the reference sample.
3) UMLAUT is originally designed for REGRESSION purposes, but
   it can also be used for CLASSIFICATION. However, the current
   version of UMLAUT does not support the weighting of the input
   parameters (dimensions) when UMLAUT is used for
4) UMLAUT can be trained and tested using the same sample (the
   keyword "test" must be set in this case). As demonstrated in
   Baronchelli et al. (2021), this configuration does not
   introduce overfitting problems, as the training is performed
   using a "leave one out" strategy, wehere the data point left
   out is properly the data point tested.

AI= input array AI[N,M] characterized by:
     --> N dimensions (indipendent input parameters)
     --> M elements (elements or data points used to train the
     The NxM values in AI are those assumed by the N input
     parameters for each of the M data point of the training set.
     For every data point in this array, the value of the
     indipendent variable B (the N+1 unknown parameter) is known.
BI= input vector BI[M] containing the values assumed by the
    M elements of the training sample along the (N+1)-th independent
    dimension (B).
    If there are more than just one independent variable that the
    user wants to estimate, then BI[M,O] is a MxO array. Here, "O"
    is the number of parameters that the user wants to estimate for
    the analysis data point (they are known for the data points
    in the training sample). When UMLAUT is used for classification
    purposes, then BI contains the labels associated with the
    training data points
AO= Input array AO[N,L] similar to AI, characterized by:
     --> N dimensions (number of indipendent input parameters)
     --> L elements (number of analysis data points for which the
         user wants to compute the indipendent variable B). 
         The parameter B will be estimated for the L datapoints;
NVV= Input N dimensional vector specifying, for each of the N
      dimensions considered, the Not Valid Values that should not
      be considered (example: -99., 0, etc...). When one of the 
      dimensions, for a certain datum, assumes the value specified
      in NVV, that dimension is not considered.
CLN= Number of closest elements to be considered for evaluating 
      the indipendent variable. If not set, a warning message is
      issued and a default value corresponding to (M/50)+1 (i.e. ~2%
      of the available training data points) is assumed.
CLN_MIN= when TYPE_CLN is set to "min_max", CLN_MIN sets the minimum
         value of CLN to be considered (whereas CLN is considered
         the maximum, in this case). This parameter is not taken
         into account when the scope parameter is set to
TYPE_CLN= if this keyword is not set, or if it is set to the default
          option 'fixed', then CLN represents the amount of closest
          datapoints that will be considered by UMLAUT to determine
          BO. With TYPE_CLN='fixed' (or not set), the CLN_MIN option
          is not taken into account. If TYPE_CLN is set to
          "min_max", then the algorithm automatically finds, for
          each element in AO, the best value of CLN that should be
          used, ranging from CLN_MIN and CLN (that are set by the
          user).  TYPE_CLN is set to 'fixed' when
AVERAGE= Type of average to be considered. Options are: "median",
          "mean", "mode", "weighted", "fit".
          - Default option when scope="regression" is "mean".
          - Default option when scope="classification" is "mode".
          Besides "median" and "mean", whose meaning is clear, the
          "weighted" option distributes the weights normally, with
          CLN assumed to be sigma of that distribution. In order of
          N-dimensional distance, the i-th element is weigthed as:
          W=exp{- (i^2) /(2*CLN^2)}
          Using the option "fit", B (the [N+1]-th parameter) is
          obtained from a N-dimensional linear fit of the closest
          reference data points. This option is particularly useful
          when the values assumed by some of the N parameters of the
          analysis data point(s) are located at the border of (or
          outside) the range of values expressed by the training
          sample. After selecting the closest reference elements,
          the data points having the (N+1)th parameter that differs
          from the average more than "fit_thresh" times the
          dispersion, are excluded from the fit. The fit_thresh
          paramter is optional.
          The "mode" option is valid only for "classification"
          purposes (scope="classification"), and it represents
          the default option in this configuration. However, in this 
          case, also the "weighted" option is available. When UMLAUT
          is used for classification purposes, then the options
          "median", "mean" and "fit" have no sense, as the output is
          not a real number but it is a label. In this case, the
          output label can be obtained as the "mode" (default) of the
          closest data points of the training set or as the
          "weighted" mode. The weighting factor is computed as
          described above and it takes into account the distances
          from the analysis data point.  
BAL= when this keyword is set (/BAL), (only for scope=classification
      configuration), the estimated output label of the analysis data
      point is obtained by weighting the probabilities associated to
      each possible label (CLAS_PROB output) taking into account the
      fraction of training data points that are labelled with the
      same label, with respect to the total. 
test= setting this keyword, the closest datapoint of the training
       set is not taken into account when computing the output
       parameter (BO). This configuration should be used when
       UMLAUT is trained and tested on ovrelapping or even identical
       datasets. Notice that training UMLAUT in this way does not
       introduce overfitting problems, as the "leave one out"
       testing strategy is adopted (See Baronchelli et al. 2021).
scope= set this keyword to "regression" or to "classification".
        Defaulft is regression.
        - If set to regression, BI must contain real numbers
        (example BI[0]=3.45, BI[1]=2.21, BI[3]=1.5, BI[4]=5.7
        etc...). In this case, UMLAUT provides the best estimation
        of the output parameter (BO array) as a real number.
        - If set to "classification", BI must contain a discrete
        classification for each of the single data point of the
        training set (example BI[0]='OII', BI[1]='Ha',
        BI[3]='Hb',BI[4]='Ha', etc...). Moreover,
          > in the input vector "CLAS_VECT", the user must specify
            the different possibilities (labels);
          > in the output array "CLAS_PROB", UMLAUT provides the
            probabilities associated to each of the possible input 
          > in the output array "CLAS_UNC", UMLAUT provides the
            poissonian uncertainties associated to each of the
            probabilities indicated in "CLAS_PROB".
          > CLAS_VECT=["Ha", "Hb", "OIII", "OII"] (input vector);
          > CLAS_PROB=[0.6,0.1,0.2,0.1] (output vector for one
            single analysis data point).
          > CLAS_UNC=[0.12,0.02,0.03,0.01] (output vector for one
            single analysis data point).
        Under the "classification" configuration, TYPE_CLN is set to
        "fixed" and the AVERAGE keyword is not considered (the
        output is not an average).  
GETPDF=setting this keyword, (/GETPDF), UMLAUT provides an output
        PDF for the output parameter BO (See also the "X_PDF", "PDF",
        and "PSM" parameters. The PDF is not provided under the
        scope="classification" configuration. 
def_x_PDF=setting this keyword (/def_x_PDF) "X_PDF" (see below) is
           not considered as an input. Instead, x_PDF will be
           overwritten by a default scale automatically selected by
           UMLAUT. If scope="classification", this parameter is not
           taken into account.
PSM=smoothing factor applied to the output PDF. A good compromise
     for this parameter is PSM ~1/1000 - 1/200 of the total number
     of data points in the training set. If scope="classification",
     this parameter is not taken into account.
OPTIMIZE_DIM=set to "yes" (default) to let the algorithm free to
              weight the input dimensions after their
              ordinalization. If scope="classification", dimensions
              are not optimized.
SO_TYPE=Type of uncertainties that will be incuded in the output
         vector SO These uncertainties are associated with the
         estimated values of the output parameter B (BO). OPTIONS: 
         sigma --> sigma(default),
         perc  --> percentiles 16%-84%,
         aver  --> average between sigma and symmetrized percentiles
IN_SCALINGS=optional NxO elements input vector containing the weights
             associated to each of the N input parameters
             (dimensions). If more than one single output parameter B
             has to be estimated (O>1), than the user can provide a
             different set of weights, one for each of the output
             parameters to estimate. Notice that the this vector can
             be obtained from previous runs of UMLAUT. In fact, the
             output vector OUT_SCALINGS provides the list of weights
             used for each of the analysis data points. Hence,
             each of the N elements of IN_SCALINGS can be obtained
             as the average weights reported in OUT_SCALINGS (along
             each of the N dimensions), computed in previous
             runs. In an iterative strategy, at each run of UMLAUT,
             the IN_SCALING values of the previous iterations can be
             multiplied for the weights obtained from the newer
             iterations, in order to obtain more and more precise
             weights at the end. 

BO=output vector BO[L] with L elements. It contains the output
    estimations of the (N+1)th parameter (B) for all the analysis
    data points. For each of the analysis data point, the values of
    the N parameters are specified in the input array AO (see
    above).  If there are more than just one independent variable
    that the user wants to estimate, then BO is a LxO array. Here,
    "O" is the number of parameters that the user wants to estimate
    for the analysis data point (they must be known for the data
    points in the training sample).  
SO=output vector SO[L] containing the values of dispersion
    associated with the estimations of the independent parameter B,
    (specified in BO). The type of uncertainty that the user wants
    to use (sigma/percentiles) can be specified in the "SO_TYPE"
CLAS_VECT=see (input parameter "scope" )
CLAS_PROB=see (input parameter "scope" )
CLAS_UNC=see (input parameter "scope" )
PDF= Output Probability Distribution Functions. One PDF for every
     datum is given in utput. The PDF is computed in the binning
     decided by the user if X_PDF is set to a particular vector. 
OUT_SCALINGS=LxNxO vector specifying, for each of the L analysis
              elements and for each of the N input dimensions
              (parameters), the weight used to compute the output
              value of the unknown paramter B. If more than one
              output parameter has to be estimated (O>1), then the
              weights are estimated for each of the output
              parameters computed.

X_PDF= x values for the output Probability Distribution Functions.
       > IF the "def_x_PDF" keyword is set, X_PDF is considered an
       output and it corresponds to the vector BI.
       > if the "def_x_PDF" keyword is NOT set, X_PDF is an input
       vector that should be defined by the user.
       When the user wants to estimate just one single output
       parameter (i.e., BI and BO are LxO arrays with O=1), then
       X_PDF is a one dimensional vector made of H elements (the
       number of elements H depends on how the user set "X_PDF"
       itself and "def_x_PDF". Instead, when O>1, X_PDF is a HxO
       array of elements.
- When UMLAUT evaluates one of the input dimensions, if there are
   too few elements in the training set with a valid value along the
   same dimension (less than 3*CLN), then the dimension is not
   considered at all. 
- In the classification configuration, the output array BO is always
   consiered as an array of strings. 


Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm based on Unbiased Topology







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