This bot is designed to manage Wireguard VPN server. It can automatically connect and disconnect users, generate QR codes for mobile clients, and also can be used as a payment system for VPN services.
Core: python 3.10, aiogram 2.x
Database: postgresql
QR code generator: qrencode
- You need to manually install Wireguard on your server. You can find installation guide here.
- You need to configure Wireguard server. You can find configuration guide here (RUS).
- You need to create a bot using BotFather.
- You need to install PostgreSQL.
- You need to configure AT LEAST ONE PEER in your Wireguard config file.
Clone this repo and go to project folder
git clone && cd wireguard-bot
Setup your virtualenv
python3.10 -m venv .venv
Next step activate it
On linux systems:
source .venv/bin/activate
On Windows:
Download required libs
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create your database
sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE DATABASE <database_name>; CREATE USER <user_name> WITH PASSWORD '<password>'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <database_name> TO <user_name>; GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA "public" TO <user_name>; \q
Create .env file in data folder and fill it with your data. You can use following example as a template.
cp data/.env.sample data/.env nano data/.env
#telegram bot token WG_BOT_TOKEN = <str> #ip of your wireguard server WG_SERVER_IP = <str> #port of your wireguard server, default 51820 WG_SERVER_PORT = '51820' #server's public key WG_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY = <str> #server's preshared key WG_SERVER_PRESHARED_KEY= <str> #path to wireguard config file, default /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf WG_CFG_PATH = '/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf' #token for telegram invoice payments, if you don't use payments, just leave it empty PAYMENTS_TOKEN = <str> #your telegram id, you can get it from @userinfobot or @myidbot or @RawDataBot ADMINS_IDS = <str> #your bank card number, if you will use payments with "handmade" method PAYMENT_CARD = <str> #name of your database DATABASE = <str> #database user DB_USER = <str> #database user's password DB_USER_PASSWORD = <str> #database host, default localhost DB_HOST = 'localhost' #database port, default 5432 DB_PORT = '5432'
Configure your database tables
Move create script from database/ to project root folder and run itmv database/ . && python3.10
Now you can delete file
Install qrencode package for generating QR code for mobile configs
sudo apt install qrencode
Create .service file for your bot
Code: (if you using python 3.10)[Unit] Description='Service for wireguard bot' [Service] Type=idle Restart=on-failure User=root ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'cd ~/wireguard-bot/ && source .venv/bin/activate && python3.10' [Install]
Enable service and start it
systemctl enable wireguard-bot.service systemctl start wireguard-bot.service
Finally, you can use your bot and enjoy it ❤️
/give <user_id> <days>
- give user access to VPN for <days> days.
Also you can use this command with <@username> instead of <user_id>.
If you want to disable user's access, just use/give <user_id> -9999
or any negative number that will be higher than user's access expiration date.
WARNING: disconnecting user will not remove his access from database, so you can give him access again later.
Example:/give 123456789 30
- give user with id 123456789 access to VPN for 30 days./stats
- show stats about users and their access expiration dates.
Aviable options:/stats active
- show active users.
/stats inactive
- show inactive users.
without options will show all users.
- restart wireguard service
pip-review --local --auto
- Migrate from pip to poetry.
- Refactor code in utils/
- Simplify installation.
- Maybe add docker-file.