An Interactive website game inspired by the website Bored Button. The aim for the user is to find and press all 10 red buttons to successfully finish the game. This project also includes secrets.
To run this project locally, you'll need to have Node.js and npm installed on your computer. Once you have these installed, follow these steps:
1. Clone the repository:
> git clone <repository-url>
2. Navigate to the project directory using the command line.
3. Install dependencies:
> npm install
4. Start the Vite development server:
> npm run dev
5. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173 (or the port shown in the terminal) to view the project.
Below is the project link, currently live on Vercel:
This project includes:
- Loading screen: A complex loading screen design that lasts for around 3 seconds.
- Start menu: A basic start menu.
- Red button: A red button that takes you to another page of red buttons, some buttons may need to be pressed more then once.
- Automated youtube videos: Playable automatic youtube videos that are randomised.
- Counter: A counter to count how many buttons have been pressed.
- Secrets : hidden features of the project.