1)First insall required packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
2)Apply migrations
python ./src/manage.py migrate
3)Run application
python ./src/manage.py runserver
Now you can go to localhost:8000
### Docker Setup
If you like to run the container you can change indicated fields in docker-compose.yml as you wish. After you configured the file run this command:
docker-compose up
Now you can go to localhost:8001 to see the API page.
GET | https://localhost:8001/ | User List |
POST | https://localhost:8001/ | User Create |
GET | https://localhost:8001/id | User Retrieve |
PUT | https://localhost:8001/id | User Update |
DELETE | https://localhost:8001/id | User Delete |
POST | https://localhost:8001/login | User Login |
POST | https://localhost:8001/register | User Register |