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Flutter Chat

Flutter Chat is a package which gives the possibility to add a (personal or group) chat to your Flutter-application. Default this package adds support for a Firebase back-end. You can add your custom back-end (like a Websocket-API) by extending the ChatInterface interface from the flutter_chat_interface package.

Flutter Chat GIF

Figma Design that defines this component (only accessible for Iconica developers): Figma clickable prototype that demonstrates this component (only accessible for Iconica developers):


To use this package, add flutter_chat as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

      path: packages/flutter_chat

You can use the LocalChatService to test the package in your project:

  chatService: LocalChatService(),

If you are going to use Firebase as the back-end of the Chat, you should also add the following package as a dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

      path: packages/flutter_chat_firebase

Create a Firebase project for your application and add firebase firestore and storage.

make sure you are authenticated using the Firebase_auth package or adjust your firebase rules, otherwise you won't be able to retreive data.

Also make sure you have the corresponding collections in your firebase project as defined in FirebaseChatOptions, you can override the default paths as you wish:

  const FirebaseChatOptions({
    this.groupChatsCollectionName = 'group_chats',
    this.chatsCollectionName = 'chats',
    this.messagesCollectionName = 'messages',
    this.usersCollectionName = 'users',
    this.chatsMetaDataCollectionName = 'chat_metadata',
    this.userChatsCollectionName = 'chats',

Also the structure of your data should be equal to our predefined models, you can implement any model by making your own model and implementing one of the predefined interfaces like so:

class ChatMessageModel implements ChatMessageModelInterface {
    required this.sender,
    required this.timestamp,

  final ChatUserModel sender;
  final DateTime timestamp;

below a list of interfaces you can implement;

ChatUserModelInterface, ChatImageMessageModelInterface, ChatTextMessageModelInterface ChatMessageModelInterface, ChatModelInterface, GroupChatModelInterface, PersonalChatModelInterface,

To use the camera or photo library to send photos add the following to your project:

For ios add the following lines to your info.plist:

	<string>Access camera</string>

For android add the following lines to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GALLERY"/>

How to use

To use the module within your Flutter-application with predefined Go_router routes you should add the following:

Add go_router as dependency to your project. Add the following configuration to your flutter_application:

List<GoRoute> getChatRoutes() => getChatStoryRoutes(
        chatService: chatService,
        chatOptionsBuilder: (ctx) => const ChatOptions(),

You can override any method in the ChatUserStoryConfiguration.

Add the getChatRoutes() to your go_router routes like so:

final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(
  routes: <RouteBase>[
      path: '/',
      builder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
        return const MyHomePage(
          title: "home",

The routes that can be used to navigate are:

For routing to the ChatScreen:

  static const String chatScreen = '/chat';

For routing to the ChatDetailScreen:

  static String chatDetailViewPath(String chatId) => '/chat-detail/$chatId';
  static const String chatDetailScreen = '/chat-detail/:id';

For routing to the NewChatScreen:

static const String newChatScreen = '/new-chat';

For routing to the ChatProfileScreen: you can see the information about a person or group you started a chat with. If the userId is null a group profile screen will be shown otherwise the profile of a single person will be shown.

static String chatProfileScreenPath(String chatId, String? userId) =>
static const String chatProfileScreen = '/chat-profile/:id/:userId';

To use the module within your Flutter-application without predefined Go_router routes but with Navigator routes add the following code to the build-method of a chosen widget:

    chatService: ChatService,
    chatOptionsBuilder: (ctx) => const ChatOptions(),

Just like with the Go_router routes you can override any methods in the ChatUserStoryConfiguration.

Or create your own routing using the Screens: To add the ChatScreen add the following code:

  options: options,
  onPressStartChat: onPressStartChat,
  onPressChat: onPressChat,
  onDeleteChat: onDeleteChat,
  service: service,
  pageSize: pageSize,

The ChatDetailScreen shows the messages that are in the current chat you selected. To add the ChatDetailScreen add the following code:

  options: options,
  onMessageSubmit: onMessageSubmit,
  onUploadImage: onUploadImage,
  onReadChat: onReadChat,
  service: service,

On the NewChatScreen you can select a person to chat. To add the NewChatScreen add the following code:

  options: options,
  onPressCreateChat: onPressCreateChat,
  service: service,

On the ChatProfileScreen you can see the information about a person or group you started a chat with. If the userId is null a group profile screen will be shown otherwise the profile of a single person will be shown.

  chatService: chatservice,
  chatId: chatId,
  translations: translations,
  onTapUser: onTapUser,
  userId: userId,

The ChatEntryWidget is a widget you can put anywhere in your app. It displays the amount of unread messages you currently have. You can choose to add a onTap to the ChatEntryWidget so it routes to the ChatScreen.

To add the ChatEntryWidget add the follwoing code:

  chatService: chatService,
  onTap: onTap,

The ChatOptions has its own parameters, as specified below:

Parameter Explanation
newChatButtonBuilder Builds the 'New Chat' button, to initiate a new chat session. This button is displayed on the chat overview.
messageInputBuilder Builds the text input which is displayed within the chat view, responsible for sending text messages.
chatRowContainerBuilder Builds a chat row. A row with the users' avatar, name and eventually the last massage sended in the chat. This builder is used both in the chat overview screen as in the new chat screen.
imagePickerContainerBuilder Builds the container around the ImagePicker.
closeImagePickerButtonBuilder Builds the close button for the Image Picker pop-up window.
scaffoldBuilder Builds the default Scaffold-widget around the Community Chat. The chat title is displayed within the Scaffolds' title for example.

The ImagePickerTheme also has its own parameters, how to use these parameters can be found in the documentation of the flutter_image_picker package.


Please file any issues, bugs or feature request as an issue on our GitHub page. Commercial support is available if you need help with integration with your app or services. You can contact us at

Want to contribute

If you would like to contribute to the plugin (e.g. by improving the documentation, solving a bug or adding a cool new feature), please carefully review our contribution guide and send us your pull request.


This flutter_chat for Flutter is developed by Iconica. You can contact us at