eb8f418 - fix(iframe size): fix iframe size error, by @Littleor < >
b6badfa - chore(release): 1.3.0, by @Littleor < >
f11f05d - feat(add sign function): add sign function, by @geyang-git < >
1625f8b - docs(update links of README): support get error message and data from the SDK, by @Littleor < >
74a42b8 - feat(app url): support set app url, by @Littleor < >
37f6ebd - chore(rebuild): rebuild, by @Littleor < >
17f0b98 - fix(hide scrollbar): hide scrollbar in Safari, by @Littleor < >
47c76a5 - fix(fix iframe size): fix iframe size, by @Littleor < >
dd266ab - chore(remove 20): remove 20 Token, by @Littleor < >
41f2fd5 - feat(add some feat): improve SDK, by @Littleor < >
bd93a1c - chore(release): 1.2.4, by @Littleor < >
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