This repository contains a React application to manage incomes, expenses, and saving targets. The application is built using TypeScript and focuses on fundamental concepts.
Apply TypeScript to complete this assignment. The application includes the following features:
- Create UI for a one-page application to store incomes, expenses, and saving targets, saving amount
- Implement features to add income sources, value and date.
- Implement features to add expense sources, value, and date.
- Implement features to add the value of the target saving.
- Implement features to add the value of the saving amount.
In addition to the basic requirements, the application enhances its functionality with the following features:
- Calculate the account balance using the formula: income - expense - saving = balance.
- Implement a feature to transfer the balance amount to the saving amount.
- Calculate the total of the current saving and the percentage of the current saving amount / target of saving.
- Add a delete button to remove items in income and expense sources.
If you have a higher skill level and finish the previous requirements before the deadline, you can tackle the following bonus tasks:
- Validate the input income, expense, target of income, and saving account. They should be positive numbers. In case the user enters a negative number, display an error message. Use React Hook Form and Zod to apply validation.
- Peer Review:
- Review the code and implementation of 2 assignments from other participants.
- Provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.
Please note that the bonus requirements and reviews are optional and can be completed if you have additional time and advanced skills.
This repository contains a React application with advanced concepts and features.
The application includes the following features:
- Apply React Router so when users access "/budget-app", it will render the Budget component.
In addition to the basic requirements, the application enhances its functionality with the following features:
- Apply advanced React hooks such as useMemo, useCallback to optimize performance.
If you have a higher skill level and finish the previous requirements before the deadline, you can tackle the following bonus tasks:
- Peer Review
Happy coding!