🚀 Project made to connect teachers to students, made in Next Level Week #2 #NLW @Rocketseat 🚀
This application was made using the follow technologies:
# Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/IgorSAssis/Proffy
# Go to server folder
$ cd Proffy/server
# Install dependencies
$ yarn install
# Run application
$ yarn start
Access API at http://localhost:3333/.
# Go to server folder
$ cd Proffy/web
# Install dependencies
$ yarn install
# Run application
$ yarn start
Go to http://localhost:3000/ to see the application.
# Go to server folder
$ cd Proffy/mobile
# Install dependencies
$ yarn install
Download the expo on your mobile, connect your phone to the computer with a USB cable and run the following command:
# Run application
$ yarn start
Scan the QR code that will appear on the screen with the expo and wait a few minutes until the packaging process is complete.
Make sure your server is running.
This project is under the MIT license