Release Notes: BOARD v0.9.95
- Fixed the bug where the title display was incorrect when closing the progress bar.
- Fixed the bug that caused InDesign to lose focus at the end of the document creation.
- Support for Capture One catalogs and sessions
- New cryptographic local licensing system (no internet connection required to use BOARD)
- Automatic migration of old licenses to the new system
- Code optimization
- Introduction of a debug mode for logs to facilitate troubleshooting
- Installer modification to better handle the installation of Xcode Command Line Tools
Here are some terminal commands to resolve potential issues:
- close a progress bar :
osascript -e 'tell application "Progress" to quit' || killall -9 Progress
- to turn debug on :
defaults write com.dityan.Board debug -bool true
- to check debug :
defaults read com.dityan.Board debug
- to turn debug off :
defaults write com.dityan.Board debug -bool false