Test site (News) for testing various features of the Django framework.
The app uses python 3.8 version. To run the application, you need to install the Django framework version 3.2.6. Installation command:
pip install Django==3.2.6
You also need to install the following libraries:
Pillow 8.3.1
django-ckeditor 6.1.0
django-debug-toolbar 3.2.2 django-mptt
The Pillow library is needed to work correctly with images in Python and Django. Installation command:
pip install Pillow
The django-ckeditor library is needed for easy editing of posts on the site. Installation command:
pip install django-ckeditor
The Django Debug Toolbar is a customizable set of panels that displays various debugging information about the current request / response, and when clicked, displays more information about the panel's contents.
pip install django-debug-toolbar
The django-mptt module is required to create, manage and save nested lists (in the form of trees) to the database. To install, you need to write the command:
pip install django-mptt
After installing all the specified libraries in the console, write the command to start the local server:
python manage.py runserver