A simple todo list application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Features
- Demo
- Installation
- Usage
- Contributing
- Add new tasks
- Mark tasks as complete
- Delete tasks
- Save tasks to local storage
- Retrieve tasks from local storage
Click here to view a live demo of the application.
You can add it as a shortcut to your desktop for easy access.
- Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Ike-Icon/to-do-list-v2.git
- Navigate to the project directory: cd to-do-list-v2
- Open the index.html file in your browser.
To add a new task, simply type the task into the input field and press the "Enter" key.
To mark a task as complete, click the checkbox next to the task.
To delete a task, click the "Trash icon" button next to the task.
The application automatically saves your tasks to local storage, so your tasks will be there the next time you open the application.
Contributing Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions or bug reports, please open an issue or a pull request.