Provides a field that allows for clicking and dragging of shortcodes into a textarea. Useful for inserting shortcodes into a textarea without having to type them out.
NOTE: This only allows the insertion of shortcodes, it does not provide any functionality for parsing the shortcodes themselves.
composer require iliain/silverstripe-droppable
- PHP 7.4+ or 8.0+
- Silverstripe 4+ or 5+
The following is an example of creating the textarea, assigning buttons to the different rows, and pushing a button to an existing row. Each option/button will be an array, with the first element being the shortcode to insert, and the second being the text to display on the button.
use Iliain\Droppable\Fields\DroppableTextareaField;
$droppable = DroppableTextareaField::create('Example', 'Example', 'This is an example')
->setButtonRow(0, [
['[OPTION_1]', 'Option 1'],
['[OPTION_2]', 'Option 2'],
->setButtonRow(1, [
['[OPTION_3]', 'Option 3']
->pushButton(1, ['[OPTION_4]', 'Option 4']);
You can also use the method ->setUseDropdown(true)
to use a dropdown instead of buttons. This will use the same data as the buttons, but will be displayed in a dropdown instead. This is useful when dealing with large amounts of buttons.
From here, the user can either:
- Click on a button to insert the shortcode into the start of the textarea, or the current position if the field is currently selected
- Drag a button into the textarea to insert the shortcode at the cursor position
Has the usual functions available to a TextareaField, plus:
setButtonRow(int $row, ArrayList $buttons)
- Sets the buttons for a particular row. The buttons are an array of arrays. Will overwrite any existing buttons in that row. -
getButtonRow(int $row)
- Gets the buttons for a particular row. Useful for modifying an existing row without just appending to the end. -
pushButton(int $row, array $button)
- Pushes a button to the end of a particular row. Will append to an existing row, or create a new row if it doesn't exist. -
setUseDropdown(bool $useDropdown)
- Sets whether to use a dropdown instead of rows of buttons. Defaults to false. The dropdown will use the row order as the order of the dropdown items. -
setLeftDescription(string $description)
- Sets the description to the left of the textarea that appears under the title. Defaults to null.
- Minify the JS and CSS
- Allow setting of default dropdown text
- Add HTMLEditorField support