This repository is created for discussions and decisions regarding the Open Energy Family. It is a collection of various information and tools that help to "set energy data free". The Open Energy Family is currently and on the long-run under development. You can find more information at the OEP:
Like many families, the Open Energy Family is large and growing continuously. Some family members are very well known and are in the foreground while others are rather small and inconspicuous. Some have their own repository while some are directly attached to other members. Together they make a strong family circle for working with open data and open science.
Open Energy Platform (OEP)
A web interface to access most of the modules, especially the community database.
The Factsheets are a standardized collection and presentation of information about modelling frameworks, models and scenarios used in climate and energy system modelling.
Tutorials, manuals and example code for the use of the Open Energy Family.
Open Energy Database (OEDB)
An open community database for energy, climate and modelling data.
Open Energy Metadata (OEMetadata)
Extensive set of metadata based on the tabular data package specifications and the FAIR principles.
Open Energy Datamodel (OEDatamodel)
A common open energy data model (oedatamodel) and datapackage format for energy and scenario data.
Open Metadata Integration (OMI)
A library to integrate, process and translate OEMetadata.
Open Process Integration (OPI)
A repository for data formatting, import of data, data and metadata review, and data curation.
Open Energy Dialect (OEDialect)
A SQLAlchemy dialect using the REST-API to download and upload data to the OEP.
Open Energy Ontology (OEO)
An ontology is a formal collection of terms and relationships between those terms, with clear definitions and a logical interpretation.
Several individuals across different research projects contribute to the development of the Open Energy Family. These projects are:
Partner institutions currently working on the Open Energy Family are the following
The Open Energy Family follows the ideal of Open Science. Thus all material (Code, Data, Artwork) will be licensed with suitable open licenses if possible.
The mentioned projects are funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
Coordinated by the Projektträger Jülich (PTJ).
Anyone is invited to help develop the Open Energy Family.