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The Illarion Concept

estralis edited this page Nov 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

The World Illarion

A ma­ture high fantasy set­ting where elves meet orcs, placed in a per­sist­ent, open world with tan­gible lore. Three factions dominate under the watchful gaze of sixteen gods, but an extensive map opens up a world of opportunity.

Your Adventure

The de­cisions you take will im­pact and shape the world around you. Your ac­tions will de­term­ine the events that one day fill the pages of Illarion's his­tory books. Im­merse your­self and let your char­ac­ter develop with all the strengths and flaws you choose, to become all you want.

No limits

Free from the restraint of fixed class design that defines many MMORPGs, you will be able to sculpt your own character with destiny limited only by your choices, imagination, and game rules. The game fea­tures a skill-based lev­el­ling sys­tem, al­low­ing play­ers to com­pel their own unique gam­ing ex­per­i­ence.

Free and open source

Illarion is free to play without any cost. The game is run by a non-profit or­gan­isa­tion and is main­tained by a staff of highly mo­tiv­ated vo­lun­teers without fin­an­cial re­im­burse­ment. The cli­ent, server and game code is open source and re­leased un­der the li­cences GPLv3 and AG­PLv3.

Immersive mechanics

The game mech­an­ics em­ployed keep the bal­ance between com­plex­ity, in­nov­a­tion and mo­tiv­a­tion of play­ers. Illarion shows a clas­sic, slow-paced game­play with iso­met­ric retro graph­ics while still us­ing mod­ern tech­no­lo­gies.

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