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3 Using Sideloader migration info

DeathWeasel1337 edited this page Oct 21, 2019 · 1 revision

Sideloader mods support the ability to load cards saved with older versions of mods in cases where the mod author made a mistake and changed the GUID of the mod or ID of an item, or in cases where a newer mod supersedes another mod made by a different mod author. To use the migration feature, the manifest.xml of the mod can be modified in the following ways.


Specify the category of the item being migrated, the old GUID, old ID, and new ID. New GUID is the GUID as specified in the manifest.xml, however you can also specify it manually if necessary.

  <info category="ao_head" guidOld="old.guid" idOld="498" idNew="001" />

category - The category of the item.

guidOld - GUID of the mod to migrate data from. May be the same as the new GUID if only the ID is changing.

idOld - ID of the item bring migrated.

guidNew - Optional. GUID of the mod to migrate data to. If not specified, uses the GUID of the manifest.xml.

idNew - ID to migrate to.

Migrate All

In cases where the mod's GUID changed but all item IDs stayed the same you Migrate All can be used.

  <info migrationType="MigrateAll" guidOld="old.guid" />

migrationType - Type of migration to be performed. In this case "MigrateAll".

guidOld - GUID of the mod to migrate data from.

Strip All

Removes all data from cards for items loaded with the specified GUID. For cases where a mod is completely obsolete and replaced by nothing or replaced by a plugin.

  <info migrationType="StripAll" guidOld="old.guid" />

migrationType - Type of migration to be performed. In this case "StripAll".

guidOld - GUID of the mod to strip data from.

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