In this repository you may find implementation of various numerical method for solving Cauchy problem for ODEs and systems of ODEs. Currently, repository includes implemented implicit and explicit classic Euler methods, classic explicit Runge-Kutta method AKA 'RK4'. In the future I have plans to extend current list of implemented numerical methods with others like modified Euler, Adams–Bashforth methods and add a possibility to select dynamic step size to make sure error does not exceed a threshold given by the user and so on. I have plans to implement a nice GUI for this repo to make this program available to people not familiar with python.
More about Cauchy problem
Adam-Bashforth method
Runge-Kutta method
Classic Euler method
I assume you are in PyEulerDiff directory. First of all, import everything from SourceCode
with from SourceCode import *
. Below you may find 2 examples how to use this repo.
API is simple and intuitive. Program assumes that you would
provide it with an equation in the form
You only have to provide the right part f(x,y).
Let's start with the first example. Say, you want to solve a simple problem:
Exact solution:
Then you would have to write the following code.
from SourceCode import *
right_part = ["y"]
a = 1.00
init_vals = [a]
true_sol = lambda t: a*np.exp(t)
left = 0
right = 1
n_points = 101
model = SoODESolver(init_vals, right_part, left, right, n_points)
ans = model.explicit_euler()
true_vals = true_sol(model.domain)
true_vals.resize(n_points, 1)
error = norm_Cab_error(true_vals, ans)
comparing with the exact solution is optional, because normally exact solution is not know and cannot be obtained.
second example
That is how you can solve this equation with this repo:
from SourceCode import *
right_part = ['-y2', 'y1+cos(t)']
init_vals = [0, 0]
true_sol = [lambda t: -0.5 * t * np.sin(t), lambda t: 0.5 * (t * np.cos(t) + np.sin(t))]
left = 0
right = 5
n_points = 101
model = SoODESolver(init_vals, right_part, left, right, n_points)
ans = model.explicit_rungekutta4()
true_vals = np.stack([f(model.domain) for f in true_sol], axis=1)
error = norm_Cab_error(true_vals, ans)
Keep in mind that in case if you need to solve a system of equation the program expects you to denote unknown functiona as y1, y2 .. yn where n - number of equations but if you need to solve just one equation then you should denote an unknown function simply as y. In both cases you should denote variable as t. You should not to explicitly specify that y is a function of t as y(t) in the right part, program assumes it by default.
Current implementation supports only constant uniform step, eventually I will add some methods supporting an adaptive step.