"Epic Road Trip Planner" is a web project designed to facilitate trip planning, specifically focusing on France. It features a React.js frontend + Ant Design components, a Node.js Express.js backend, and utilizes Python scripts for data retrieval, all encapsulated within Docker containers. This open-source project leverages OpenStreetMap data with Thunderforest as an overlay to provide users with comprehensive trip planning functionalities.
In this repository you have :
front folder its our web interface made with ReactJs
back folder its our backend made with NodeJs & ExpressJs
doc folder its our documentation for this project (postman, .env etc)
api folder its our api in Python
- Docker Desktop
How to start ?
- Go to the root of the project
- Do in a terminal : docker compose up -d
- That's all !
🔵 Maxence BONNICI
🔴 Maxence LAPORTE
🟡 Federico SUAREZ