Projects :
- ft_ls
- minishell
- ft_select
- 21sh
- taskmaster
- 42sh
This project is about writing the most stable and most complete UNIX shell possible.
You already know a lot of shells and each has its own features, from the humble sh
available on every UNIX distribution in the world to the complete and complex zsh, which
many of you use without really knowing why. There are many other shells, such as bash,
csh, tcsh, ksh, ash, etc. 42sh is your first real shell. It is common practice for students
to choose to use a reference shell and try to replicate its basic behavior. This can be a
good strategy if you know the reasons why you chose that one shell specifically. Consider
this. If you choose zsh as reference, you will need to commit to a long and difficult quest,
even if highly instructive. Through this quest, you will learn humility and what it means
to work hard.
project made in group. credits to my amazing mates :
From Unix 42 branch.
By ccharrie