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Small C++ library for terminal manipulation for linux.


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C++ library that provides a high (or higher) level of abstraction on standard terminal API, that allows you to stylize terminal output or manipulate terminal behavior entirely.


Table of Contest


  • TermInfo - GNU library and database that provides a low level abstraction over terminal escape string based API.


Library was tested using GNU G++ compiler with flag -std=c++17. So it is recommended to use C++ 17 or higher version of compiler. Compiling with another compilers might need code corrections.

make default command builds the tests and creates test.exe file in the root directory.

make custom builds the playground file location test/mtest.cpp, and creates mtest.exe file in the root directory of the library.

Note: default make command builds mocked object files, so if you want to build a real program, or an playground file, run make clear before compiling, so mocked object files are deleted.


The library provides a couple of levels of abstraction depending on users needs. All of them are described in this section of the file.


This header provides a termiq namespace with some low (well, slightly higher) level API over GNU terminfo library to interact with the terminal.

void termiq::init_term([std::string terminal term])

Initially init_term should be called. This defines the set of terminal-dependent variables. It reads in the terminfo database, initializing the terminfo structures.

It accepts one optional parameter that corresponds to the terminal type that needs to be initialized. If the value is not provided, the environmental variable TERM is used.

This function throws a std::logic_error instance if the initialization did not work.


Before using any other function from the library, init_term must be called.

bool termiq::get_flag(std::string name)

It requires one string parameter - the name of the capability you want to check, and returns the state of the boolean terminal capability, e.g.: if the automatic margins are on.

In case the capability wasn't found - returns false, otherwise returns true if the capability is on and false if it's off.


bool margins_on = termiq::get_flag("auto_right_margin");
std::count << margins_on << std::endl; // 1


All standard available boolean capabilities can be found here under the "boolean capabilities" section.

int termiq::get_num(std::string name)

It requires one string parameter - the name of the capability, and returns the value of the numeric terminal capability e.g.: the number of rows or columns of the current terminal window.

In case the capability wasn't found return -1, otherwise returns the value of the capability.


int num_rows = termiq::get_num("lines");
std::cout << num_rows << std::endl; // 42


All standard available numeric capabilities can be found here under the "numeric capabilities" section.

int termiq::run_str(std::string name[, int padding])

It accepts one required string parameter - the name of the capability that needs to be run, and one optional int parameter - padding, and runs a string terminal capability, e.g.: to clear the terminal screen.

Padding is needed mostly for older terminals to make sure the terminal receives enough time to make the required changes. Usually this parameter should be equal to the number of the lines that are being changed after the capability is run. The default value is 1.

In case the capability doesn't exist in the terminal returns -1, otherwise returns 0.


termiq::run_str("clear"); // Clears the terminal screen.


All standard available string capabilities can be found here under the "string capabilities" section.

int termiq::run_str<P...>(std::string name, int padding, P... args)

Accepts the same parameters as above one but padding is required here, plus receives additional parameters that are required to be passed with a parametric string capability. It runs the chosen parametric string capability, e.g.: erase some amount of characters from the current cursor position.

In case the capability doesn't exist in the terminal returns -1, otherwise returns 0.


termiq::run_str("ech", 1 /* padding */, 10); // erases 10 characters.


All standard available string capabilities can be found here under the "string capabilities" section.


This header provides a termiq namespace with some more advanced functions that can be used in combination with the functions from the previous section.

class termiq::exception

The header defines the exception class that is being thrown in case of any function from this header has failed.

termiq::exception extends std::logic_error.

int termiq::get_cols()

Doesn't accept any parameters, and returns the number of the columns in the current terminal window.

int termiq::get_rows()

Doesn't accept any parameters, and returns the number of the rows in the current terminal window.

void termiq::move(int r, int c)

Requires 2 int parameters to be passed, and moves terminal cursor to the r row and c column.

void termiq::move_left([int steps])

Accepts one optional int parameter steps, and moves the cursor steps characters left.

By default it moves the cursor 1 character left.

void termiq::move_right([int steps])

Accepts one optional int parameter steps, and moves the cursor steps characters right.

By default it moves the cursor 1 character right.

void termiq::save_cursor_position()

Save the current position of the cursor. The position can be restored using void termiq::restore_cursor_position().


There is no stack of saved cursor positions you can restore using restore_cursor_position function call. Every next save_cursor_position call overrides the previous saved position.

void termiq::restore_cursor_position()

Restores the saved cursor position by calling void termiq::save_cursor_position() function.

void termiq::cursor_hidden()

Makes the cursor to be invisible on the terminal screen.

void termiq::cursor_default()

Returns the cursor back to it's default visibility state.

int termiq::get_max_colors()

Returns the number of colors available in the terminal.

int termiq::get_max_pairs()

Returns the number of color pairs available in the terminal.

void termiq::define_color(int id, int r, int g, int b)

Requires 4 int parameters to be passed. The first parameter id is the color identifier that needs to be initialized, and 3 next parameters represent the intensity of the 3 color channels (red, green, blue).

The id parameters must be in range of 0 to max_colors-1, where max_colors can be retrieved using termiq::get_max_colors function call.

The r, g and b parameters should be sent in the range of 0 to 1000 where 0 means zero color channel intense, and 1000 means maximal color channels intense.

void termiq::define_pair(int id, int r, int g, int b, int br, int bg, int bb)

Same as above with the difference that define_pair accepts additional 3 int parameters representing background color.

void termiq::undefine_colors()

Uninitializes all initialized color or color pairs identifiers, returning them back to default colors.

void termiq::set_foreground_color(int id)

Requires one int parameter - id and sets the chosen color ID as the foreground color for the next text that is going to be written into the terminal.

void termiq::set_background_color(int id)

Requires one int parameter - id and sets the chosen color ID as the background color for the next text that is going to be written into the terminal.

void termiq::set_pair_color(int id)

Requires one int parameter - id and sets the chosen color pairs ID as the foreground and background color for the next text that is going to be written into the terminal.

void termiq::set_attrs(bool bold, bool dim, bool reverse, bool underline)

Requires 4 bool parameters to be passed, representing the attribute states of the text to be printed:

  • bold - makes text to be bold
  • dim - makes text color to be dimmed.
  • reverse - reverses text foreground and background colors.
  • underline - Adds a straight line under the text.

void termiq::reset_attrs()

Resets text attribute.


This function resets not only attributes that can be set with termiq::set_attrs function, but also foreground and background colors, italic and alternate characters modes.

void termiq::set_italic_on()

Turns on italic text mode.

void termiq::set_italic_off()

Turns off italic text mode.

void termiq::reset_colors()

Resets background and foreground colors to default.


There are no distinguished standard capabilities to reset just background or just foreground colors.

void termiq::alternate_chars_on()

Sets terminal into alternate characters mode, which allows to print some of the graphic characters like border lines using regular ASCII characters from the letters range.

More info at the Alternate characters section.

void termiq::alternate_chars_off()

Returns terminal into the normal characters mode.

void termiq::enter_automatic_margins()

Sets terminal into the mode, where after cursor reaches the edge of the screen, the cursor automatically jumps into the beginning of the next line.


It is usually the default terminal behavior.

void termiq::exit_automatic_margins()

Sets terminal into the mode, where after cursor reaches the edge of the screen, the cursor is being stopped at the last column of the current row, and the next character that is printed into the screen will overwrite the current one.

void termiq::enter_alternate_buffer()

Makes terminals use an alternate buffer which allows to modify the terminal content in any way, without losing the original content of the terminal.

This alternate buffer usually doesn't have an ability to scroll, so if this functionality is needed, it has to be custom implemented.

Every time the alternate buffer is used, its content is cleared.

void termiq::exit_alternate_buffer()

Exits the alternate buffer, returning to the original one.

void termiq::clear()

Clears the whole content of the terminal.

void termiq::clear_before()

Clears the current row of the terminal before the cursor position.

void termiq::clear_after()

Clears the current row of the terminal after the cursor position.

void termiq::clear_rest()

Clears the terminal screen after the current position of the cursor.

namespace termiq::alt_chars

This namespace contains graphic characters that can be used to draw lines and table borders in a alternate character mode.

It contains next constexpr char properties:

  • termiq::alt_chars::C_H - represents a horizontal line, e.g.: .
  • termiq::alt_chars::C_V - represents a vertical line, e.g.: .
  • termiq::alt_chars::C_X - represents a horizontal-vertical lines cross, e.g.: .
  • termiq::alt_chars::C_HT - represents a horizontal line with an additional perpendicular line touching horizontal line from top, e.g.: .
  • termiq::alt_chars::C_HB - represents a horizontal line with an additional perpendicular line touching horizontal line from bottom, e.g.: .
  • termiq::alt_chars::C_VL - represents a vertical line with an additional perpendicular line touching vertical line from right, e.g.: .
  • termiq::alt_chars::C_VR - represents a vertical line with an additional perpendicular line touching vertical line from left, e.g.: .
  • termiq::alt_chars::C_TL - represents the 2 perpendicular lines coming from top and left and touching each other in the middle, e.g.: .
  • termiq::alt_chars::C_TR - represents the 2 perpendicular lines coming from top and right and touching each other in the middle, e.g.: .
  • termiq::alt_chars::C_BL - represents the 2 perpendicular lines coming from bottom and left and touching each other in the middle, e.g.: .
  • termiq::alt_chars::C_BR - represents the 2 perpendicular lines coming from bottom and right and touching each other in the middle, e.g.: .

Using these special characters, you can draw rectangles or grids.


	// First line
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_BR
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_H
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_HB
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_H
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_BL
	<< '\n';
	// Second line
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_V
	<< ' '
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_V
	<< ' '
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_V
	<< '\n'
	// Third line
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_HR
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_H
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_X
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_H
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_HL
	<< '\n'
	// Fourth line
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_V
	<< ' '
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_V
	<< ' '
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_V
	<< '\n'
	// Fifths line
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_TR
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_H
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_HT
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_H
	<< termiq::alt_chars::C_TL
	<< std::endl;

// Result:
│ │ │
│ │ │


Represents the high level API to manipulate text colors and attributes.


If termiq::style API is used, the other (e.g. from tq_term_adv.h, or low level terminfo) API must not be used, all of these APIs share the same low level color API, and them might overwrite each other.

struct termiq::style::Color

Defines color structure that is used for defining background or foreground color using termiq::style::* functions.

It override both == and != operators so the colors can be compared with each other.

It also defines a static const UNDEFINED member that corresponds to the undefined or "transparent" (default) color.

The structure declares r, g and b int members. for red, green, and blue color channels.


termiq::style::Color red{1000,0,0};
termiq::style::Color white{1000,1000,1000};
termiq::style::Color black{0,0,0};
auto transparent = termiq::style::Color::UNDEFINED;

void termiq::style::foreground(Color color)

Accepts one termiq::style::Color color parameter. Sets terminal text foreground color to be the color.

If color == termiq::style::Color::UNDEFINED is true, terminal foreground color is set to the default color.

void termiq::style::background(Color color)

Accepts one termiq::style::Color color parameter. Sets terminal text background color to be the color.

If color == termiq::style::Color::UNDEFINED is true, terminal background color is set to the default color.

void termiq::style::bold(bool state)

Accepts one bool parameter - state.

Makes terminal text to be bold in case of state is true, and normal otherwise.

void termiq::style::italic(bool state)

Accepts one bool parameters - state.

Makes terminal text to be italic in case of state is true, and normal otherwise.

void termiq::style::underline(bool state)

Accepts one bool parameters - state.

Makes terminal text to be underline in case of state is true

void termiq::style::dim(bool state)

Accepts one bool parameters - state.

Makes terminal text dim (text with less intense color) in case of state is true and normal otherwise.

void termiq::style::inverse(bool state)

Accepts one bool parameters - state.

Makes terminal text to inverse its foreground and background colors in case of state is true.

void termiq::style::special_chars(bool state)

Accepts one bool parameters - state.

Turns on alternate characters mode in case of state is true, and turns it off otherwise.

void termiq::style::clear_colors()

Returns both foreground and background colors to their default values.

void termiq::style::clear_styles([bool also_clear_colors])

Returns all text attributes to their default values (basically makes text normal), but doesn't return colors to their default values by default.

Accepts one bool parameters also_clear_color which, when true also returns both colors to their default values.

void termiq::style::clear()

Basically equivalent to termiq::style::clear_styles(true).

void termiq::style::reset()

Returns all define color IDs to their default values.

bool termiq::style::is_color_defined(const Color &color)

Accepts the reference to a const Color, and returns true if the passed color parameter equals to termiq::style::Color::UNDEFINED.

void termiq::style::style(Color fg, Color bg, bool bold, bool italic, bool dim, bool underline, bool inverse)

Sets both foreground and background together with 5 text attributes: bold, italic, dim, underline and inverse.


This function is the most performant of all the functions in termiq::style namespace, meaning it takes the less escape string characters to convert you from one style to another.


(declared in tq_term_canvas.h)

Where CC stands for char cell type, and declares the content of the internal canvas matrix "pixel" .

Another high level abstraction for text style and text position manipulation.

It defines the termiq::canvas namespace with a bunch of helper classes and function.

It is DefaultConstructable and virtually destructible.

It is meant for users to extend the class providing additional functionality, or changing the current canvas behavior, as the class provides a bunch of virtual protected methods for this purpose.

termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::Canvas(unsigned int h, unsigned int w[, unsigned int r, unsigned int])


  • unsigned int h - height of the canvas
  • unsigned int w - width of the canvas.
  • (Optional) unsigned int r - relative offset of the top side of the screen.
  • (Optional) unsigned int c - relative offset of the left side of the screen.

Constructs an instance of Canvas with provided parameters.

unsigned int termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::get_width()

Returns the current width of the canvas.

unsigned int termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::get_height()

Returns the current height of the canvas.

unsigned int termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::get_row()

Returns the current row offset of the canvas.

unsigned int termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::get_col()

Returns the current column offset of the canvas.

const std::vector<std::vector<CC>>& termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::get_canvas()

Returns internal matrix of cells (pixels).

void termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::resize(unsigned int height, unsigned int width)

Resizes the canvas to new height and width, after internal properties are set, it also calls virtual protected resized() method, which by default resizes the internal canvas.

void termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::move(unsigned int row, unsigned int col)

Overrides canvas' offset row and offset column properties, and calls virtual protected moved() method.

void termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::draw(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, const CanvasPieces<CC>&& pieces)

Draws canvas pieces into internal canvas matrix, and calls virtual protected drawn() afterwards.

void termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::draw(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, const CanvasPieces<CC>& pieces)

The same as above.

void termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::paint()

Paints internal canvas into the terminal taking into consideration offset row and offset column properties.

virtual protected void termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::moved()

This is a virtual protected method that is called after move function is called, It can be overridden and it allows users to provide their own additional checks, structure changes, or optimization work.

virtual protected void termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::resized()

This is a virtual protected method that is called after resize function is called, It can be overridden and it allows users to provide their own additional checks, structure changes, or optimization work.

virtual protected void termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::drawn()

This is a virtual protected method that is called after either of draw functions is called, It can be overridden and it allows users to provide their own additional checks, structure changes, or optimization work.

virtual protected void termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::paint_row(size_t index)

This function is responsible for printing the internal matrix object into the terminal.

It accepts one size_t ind parameters which indicates the index of the row that needs to be printed.

This function can be overridden to provide better than default printing behavior, or provide some optimization.

virtual protected void termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::move_cursor(unsigned int row, unsigned int col)

This method is used in the default implementation of the paint_row function, and is called whenever terminal cursor has to be moved.

virtual protected void termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC>::set_paint_state(CharState* state)

This method is used in the default implementation of the paint_row function, and is called whenever the text style needs to be changed.

struct termiq::canvas::CharState

(declared in tq_term_canvas_utils.h)

Defines the state or the style of the canvas cell (pixel). It defines the next public properties:

  • termiq::style::Color foreground - foreground color of the "pixel". By default it equals to termiq::style::Color::UNDEFINED.
  • termiq::style::Color background - background color of the "pixel". By default it equals to termiq::style::Color::UNDEFINED
  • bool bold - indicates if the pixel text character has to be in bold. By default is false.
  • bool italic - indicates if the pixel text character has to be in italic. By default is false.
  • bool dim - indicates if the pixel color has to be dimmed. By default is false.
  • bool inverse - indicates whether the background and foreground colors of the pixel have to be swapped. By default is fasle.
  • bool undeline - indicates whether the pixel text has to be underlined. By default is false.
  • bool special - indicates whether the pixel text has to be displayed in alternate characters range. By default is false.

This struct also overrides == and != operators so two CharState objects can be compared.

struct termiq::canvas::CharCell<CT>

(declared in tq_term_canvas_utils.h)

CT stands for char type and represents the type that is used to store the character information. It can be char, wchar_t or any other char type.

The structure declares next attributes:

  • CT symbol - character contained in the CharCell instance. By default is ' ' (empty space).
  • std::shared_ptr<CharState> state - a style of the CharCell instance. By default is nullptr.

It also overrides == and != operators, so 2 CharCell instances can be compared.

The struct also defines a static const CharCell<CT> TRANSPARENT property that can be used as a placeholder for cells that need to be transparent.

bool termiq::canvas::CharCell<CT>::is_transparent()

Returns true if the cell is transparent.

struct termiq::canvas::CanvasPiece<CC>

(declared in tq_term_canvas_utils.h)

CC stands to char cell and represents the type that is used to store the char cell information in the internal canvas matrix.

The struct declares next properties:

  • const std::vector<std::vector<CC>> canvas - the piece of canvas that needs to be drawn.
  • const unsigned int rows - the number of rows in the canvas.
  • const unsigned int cols - the number of columns in the canvas.
  • const int offset_rows - the number of rows that need to be skipped form the original drawing point. Default is 0.
  • const int offset_cols - the number of columns that need to be skipped from the original drawing point. Default is 0.

struct termiq::canvas::CanvasPieces<CC>

(declared in tq_term_canvas_utils.h)

CC stands to char cell and represents the type that is used to store the char cell information in the internal canvas matrix.

Basically a collection of CanvasPiece instances. Declares just one property:

  • const std::vector<CanvasPiece<CC>> pieces - representing the collection of drawable canvases.


Usually you should avoid creating CanvasPiece or CanvasPieces instances manually, they are produced at part of the build process of canvas related instance that are described at the bottom.

class termiq::canvas::Content<CC>

(declared in tq_term_canvas_utils.h)

CC represents a canvas cell type (more details above).

The class is pure virtual, DefaultConstructable and virtually dewstructable and is meant to be used as a interface, to be extended by other specific canvas content classes.

virtual CanvasPieces<CC> termiq::canvas::Content<CC>::build() = 0

Pure virtual method is supposed to return termiq::canvas::CanvasPieces<CC> instnace - the canvas representation of the content when called.

virtual unsigned int termiq::canvas::Content<CC>::get_width() = 0

Pure virtual method that is supposed to return the width of the content.

virtual unsigned int termiq::canvas::Content<CC>::get_height() = 0

Pure virtual method that is supposed to return the height of the content.

virtual unsigned int termiq::canvas::Content<CC>::min_width() = 0

Pure virtual method that is supposed to return the minimal content width of the content.

virtual unsigned int termiq::canvas::Content<CC>::min_height() = 0

Pure virtual method that is supposed to return the minimal content height of the content.

virtual void termiq::canvas::Content<CC>::built(CanvasPieces<CC> &pieces)

The function that is called after the pieces instance was built, but before returning it from the build() method call.

class Nothing : public Content<CC>

(declared in tq_term_canvas_utils.h)

CC represents a canvas cell type (more details above).

Represents the content that is not displayed and does not occupy any space.

All *_width and *_height methods return 0, and build() function call returns an empty CanvasPieces instance.

class termiq::canvas::Text : public Content<CC>

(declared in tq_term_canvas_text.h)

CC represents a canvas cell type (more details above).

Canvas content class that allows to build and draw text content on a canvas.

The class declares using char_type = typename CC::char_type that is used for character related types.

termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::Text([char_type* txt])

The constructor accepts the text as an only parameter, that needs to be drawn to the canvas. By default equals to nullptr.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::set_foreground_color(termiq::style::Color &&color)

Defines foreground color of the text.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::set_background_color(termiq::style::Color &&color);

Defines background color of the cell content.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::set_bold()

Makes the text style bold.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::set_italic()

Makes the text style italic.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::set_dim()

Makes the text color dimmed.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::set_underline()

Makes the text underline.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::set_inverse()

Inverses the foreground and background colors of the text.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::set_width()

Defines the content instance width.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::set_height()

Defines the content instance height.

const std::vector<std::vector<char_type>>& termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::get_lines()

Returns the calculated text content in the way that is going to be drawn to the canvas.

The class also provides a bunch of protected and virtual protected methods that can be used or overridden in order to provide additional functionality to the classes extending the termiq::canvas::Text class.

virtual void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::calculate_lines()

Used to calculate the text lines and assign the result to _lines class protected property.

virtual unsigned int termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::get_calc_width()

Used to calculate the text contet width.

virtual unsigned int termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::get_calc_height()

Used to calculated the text content height.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::invalidate_lines()

Should be called when the internal properties that define text position of the class instance were changed, and the new text position needs to be calculated, e.g. when the width or height properties were changed.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::lazy_calculate_lines()

Should be called when the text lines need to be calculated.


It is preferred to use this method instead of calculate_lines(), as it provides the caching mechanism that avoids recalculating lines if the text position dependent properties (the ones that call invalidate_lines after being executed) were not changed.

bool termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::is_valid_lines()

Returns true if the text content lines are valid and false otherwise.

More protected properties can be checked directly from the code declaration.


termiq::canvas::Text<termiq::canvas::CharCell<char>> tb("Hello Wordl!");


auto pieces =

// It is going to be drawn in two lines as the width is limited to 6 characters.

class termiq::canvas::Grid<CC> : public Content<CC>

(declared in tq_term_canvas_grid.h)

CC represents a canvas cell type (more details above).

Canvas content class that allows to build and drawn grids on a canvas.

The class declares using char_type = typename CC::char_type that is used for character related types.

termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::Grid([unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols])

Constructor that accepts the number of rows and columns in a grid. Both parameters are optional, and equals to 1 by default.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::set_background_color(termiq::style::Color color)

Defines grid background color.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::set_border_foreground_color(termiq::style::Color color)

Defines grid border foreground color.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::set_border_background_color(termiq::style::Color color)

Defines grid border background color.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::set_width(unsigned int width)

Defines grid width.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::set_height(unsigned int height)

Defines grid height.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::set_border_type(termiq::canvas::BorderType type)

Sets the border of the grid. There are multiple options available for border type.

enum class BorderType is declared in the same header file (tq_term_canvas_grid.h), and contains next options:

  • NONE - displays no border, meaning the border doesn't even take any space (see examples below).
  • SINGLE_ASCII - default option. Regular single lined border. The border is built from the ASCII characters, so use of this type is compatible with the char type.
  • SINGLE - Regular single lined border, but built from wchar_t wide characters. Use of this border type is not compatible with regular char type.
  • DOUBLE - Double lined grid, built from wchar_t characters.
  • BOLD - Single lined bold border type. Built from wchar_t characters.
  • ROUND - Single lined border with rounded corners. Built from wchar_t characters.
  • INVISIBLE - the border is not visible, but still occupies the space.


Use of this border types built from wchar_t characters are not compatible with regular char type.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::select_cell(size_t r, size_t c)

Selects the cell for further modifications described below. Numeration of the rows and columns start from 0.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::select_cell(size_t c)

Same as above, but row is always 0.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::set_cell_background_color(termiq::style::Color color)

Defines background color for the selected cell. Color provided for a distinguished cell override the color provided for the whole grid.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::set_cell_width(unsigned int width)

Defines width property for the selected cell.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::set_cell_height(unsigned int height)

Defines height property for the selected cell.


This is a primitive grid class where width and height properties have to be provided for each cell separately, otherwise the grid width/height will be distributed equally between the cells with not defined width/height properties. If none individual width/height nor global grid width/height properties were provided, the grid cells sizes will be equal to 0.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::set_cell_content(Content<CC>* content)

Provides selected cell with the content that will be displayed inside the cell.


using CC = termiq::canvas::CharCell<wchar_t>;
termiq::canvas::Grid<CC> grid(1,2);
termiq::canvas::Text<CC> txt1(L"Hello");
termiq::canvas::Text<CC> txt2(L"World!");



grid.select_cell(1); // [0;1]

auto pieces =;

// This code is going to build canvas pieces that will draw into something similar to:
║Hello║World!    ║
║     ║          ║

Besides public methods, the class also provide some protected and virtual protected methods that can be overwritten and additional functionality provided to the grid.

virtual protected std::vector<unsigned int> termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::calculate_column_sizes()

Calculates and returns column sizes.

virtual protected std::vector<unsigned int> termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::calculate_row_sizes()

Calculates and returns row sizes.

virtual protected void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::calc()

Calculates columns and rows sizes and assigns them to protected _col_widths and _row_heights properties respectfully.

void termiq::canvas::Grid<CC>::invalidate_calc()

Should be called when the internal properties that define grid column or row sizes of the class instance were changed, and the new column or row sizes need to be calculated, e.g. when the width or height properties were changed.

void termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::lazy_calc()

Should be called when the grid column or row sizes need to be calculated.


It is preferred to use this method instead of calc(), as it provides the caching mechanism that avoids recalculating sizes if the sizes dependent properties (the ones that call invalidate_calc after being executed) were not changed.

bool termiq::canvas::Text<CC>::is_valid_calc()

Returns true if the grid sizes are valid and false otherwise.

More protected properties you can find in the class declaration fine (tq_term_canvas_grid.h).

class termiq::canvas::Flexible

(declared in tq_term_canvas_flexible.h)

An abstract (pure virtual) interface that declares protected functions essential for making canvas content to be flexible.

See useful examples in FlexGrid section of the documentation.

virtual protected void termiq::canvas::Flexible::suggest_width(unsigned int width) = 0

(pure virtual) protected function that is called from other canvas content instances, and suggests the width that needs to be applied to the content instance before the calculation process.

It is for users to decide if they want to respect the suggested width, in order to make the content flexible.

virtual void termiq::canvas::Flexible::suggest_height(unsigned int height) = 0

(pure virtual) protected function that is called from other canvas content instances, and suggests the height that needs to be applied to the content instance before the calculation process.

It is for users to decide if they want to respect the suggested height, in order to make the content flexible.

class class termiq::canvas::FlexText<CC> : public Text<CC>, public Flexible

Text content class that respects Flexible interface.

class termiq::canvas::FlexGrid<CC> : public Grid<CC>, public Flexible

Grid content class that respects Flexible interface and influences its content with Flexible API.


using CC = termiq::canvas::CharCell<wchar_t>;
termiq::canvas::FlexGrid<CC> grid(1,2);
termiq::canvas::FlexText<CC> txt1(L"Hello");
termiq::canvas::FlexText<CC> txt2(L"Hello world!");

grid.set_width(12); // The width is too small to fit everything in one line.


grid.select_cell(1); // [0;1]

auto pieces =;

// The result is going to be similar to:
│Hel│Hello │
│lo │World!│
// Notice how the cell sizes are choosen automatically with the second cell bigger as it has more content.

Usage Examples

#include "tq_term_adv.h"
#include "tq_term_canvas.h"
#include "tq_term_canvas_flextext.h"
#include "tq_term_canvas_flexgrid.h"

// Initializes structures to work with terminal.

// Get current terminal window row and column sizes.
const int rows = termiq::get_rows();
const int cols = termiq::get_cols();

using CC = termiq::canvas::CharCell<wchar_t>;
using BText = termiq::canvas::FlexText<CC>;
using BGrid = termiq::canvas::FlexGrid<CC>;

termiq::canvas::Canvas<CC> canvas(rows-1,cols,0,0);

// Defines text instances.
auto tb1 = BText(L"woohoo");
tb1.set_background_color({200, 200, 900});
auto tb2 = BText(L"hello\nworld");
auto tb3 = BText(L"Awesome");
auto tb4 = BText(L"Nice");

// Defines and configures grid instance.
auto gb1 = BGrid(1,2);

// Defines another grid instance.
BGrid gb3 = BGrid(2,3);

// Assigsn big grid cells content.
gb3.set_cell_background_color({500, 500, 100});



// Draw the grid.
canvas.draw(3, 5,;

// Enter alternate buffer screen and 

// Paint the canvas to the terminal.

// Wait for the input

// Cleanup in the end.

Possible output:



Tests are defined under the test folder that leaves in the root folder of the library.

By running make all (default command), the test/test.cpp file is being compiled and the test.exe file is being generated in the root directory of the library. Run the file, to run library tests.

Additional Information

makefile contains custom command, that compiles test/mtest.cpp file. This file can be used as a quick start sandbox file, to try things out. There are some neat example already provided in the file.


when switching between make and make custom, don't forget to clean up generated object files, as regular unit tests that are generated by using default make command - generate mocked objects in order to test the library. The cleaning process can be done using the make clear command.


all (default)

Builds unit test and creates a test.exe executable file in a library root diretory.


Builds a sandbox test/mtest.cpp file, and creates a mtest.exe executable file in a library root directory.


Builds library file and generate an archive liboutput.a file that can be linked to the final executable file.


Cleanup objects, executable and archive files.



Have fun :)