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Solana CNFT Chat System

A messaging system built on Solana CNFT Mint using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Solana/Web3. This project utilizes the Solana blockchain and the Metaplex SDK to manage compressed non-fungible tokens (CNFTs), allowing users to upload metadata and create CNFTs.

📜 Description

This repository provides a baseline for a messenger system based on Solana CNFT Mint. It allows users to mint CNFTs on the Solana blockchain, manage metadata, and interact with the platform using Web3 technologies.

⚙️ Setup

1. Set Up Environment Variables

To configure the application, you'll need to set the following environment variables:

  • WALLET_PRIVATE: Administrator wallet private key for CNFT mint fee transactions.
  • MAINNET_RPC: The Solana Mainnet RPC URL.
  • PINATA_JWT: JSON Web Token for uploading content to Pinata (used for storing IPFS metadata).
  • MERKLE_TREE_PUBKEY: Merkle Tree Public Key for your CNFT minting process.

2. Install Dependencies

Make sure you have the required dependencies installed. You can install them using either yarn or npm:

yarn install
# or
npm install

3. Run the Application

After installing dependencies and setting up the environment variables, you can run the application locally with:

yarn dev
# or
npm run dev

This will start the Next.js development server.

✨ Features

  • Solana CNFT Minting: Leverages the Solana blockchain to mint compressed NFTs (CNFTs).
  • Metadata Upload: Upload metadata to IPFS via Pinata integration.
  • Web3 Integration: Built with Solana/Web3 to interact with the blockchain.

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