IMP - Indaxia Modules & Packages for Lua (Package Manager).
Provides functions to create and use ES6-style modules in lua code.
Modules let you write componentized and sharable code. IMP Module Manager allows you to declare your modules in any order. It arranges everything for you: dependency tree, loop detection, lazy loading, naming conflicts isolation etc.
It is friendly for code inspectors like:
- LuaLS - install for vscode and other IDEs
- EmmyLua for Intellij

Initialize and build your project using IMP
Copy imp-module-manager.lua to your code head section.
-- file 1
Hello = Imp.export("Hello", function()
-- make any init code here that is executed once
-- export module (your data & functions or empty table)
return {
foo = "bar",
welcome = function() print "Hello world!" end
-- file 2
World = Imp.export("World", function()
-- import modules
local Hello = Imp.import(Hello)
-- make any init code here that is executed once
-- export module (your data & functions or empty table)
return {}
-- init section (main)
local World = Imp.import(World)
Hello world!
You can rename globally defined modules in case of conflict and use both:
-- vendor module 1
Hello = Imp.export("Hello", function()
return {
x = "this is A"
-- vendor module 2
Hello = Imp.export("Hello", function()
return {
y = "this is B"
-- vendor module 3
Hello = Imp.export("Hello", function()
return {
z = "this is C"
-- your module
World = Imp.export("World", function()
---@type { x: string }
local A = Imp.import({ name = "Hello" })
---@type { y: string }
local B = Imp.import({ name = "Hello*" })
---@type { z: string }
local C = Imp.import({ name = "Hello**" })
print(A.x .. ", " .. B.y .. ", " .. C.z)
-- init section (main)
World = Imp.import(World)
this is A, this is B, this is C