Realm Browser for Android OS developed by Indeema Software Inc.. It provides ability to reviewing multiple local Android Realm DB in separate Activity.
- Realm gradle plugin version 3.X.X
allprojects {
repositories {
// Add these line
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.indeema.libs:realmbrowser:1.0.0'
Initialize in your splash/start Activity.
//Realm browser theme(Theme.DEFAULT or Theme.DRACULA), by default Theme.DEFAULT
int theme = Theme.DRACULA;
//Realm browser page size, by default 20
int pageSize = 30;
// configuration of 1 of 2 local Realm DB with adding target RealmObject classes
RealmConfiguration configuration1; //must be configuration that is used in app
RbEntity rbEntity1 = new RbEntity(configuration1, UserRealm.class);
// configuration of 2 of 2 local Realm DB with using all existing RealmObject classes
RealmConfiguration configuration2; //must be configuration that is used in app
RbEntity rbEntity2 = new RbEntity(configuration2);
RealmBrowser.initialize(this, theme, pageSize, rbEntity1, rbEntity2);
- Created Realm Browser Library with base functionality
- Edit object
- Delete object
- Nested object viewing
- Sorting objects list by field
- Objects list pagination
- Realm Browser theme
If you encounter an issue or you have any comments or propositions with using EEAndroidRealmBrowser then you can reach us at
- You can also follow our news at @IndeemaSoftware or on our blog.
EEAndroidRealmBrowser works under the MIT license. For more information see here.
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