A component for integrating Recharts library into your project quick and easy.
Install the Recharts library.
All browsers that include native Map and Set collection types.
If your project supports older browsers and devices that don't include Map and Set (e.g., IE<11) or that have non-compliant implementations (e.g., IE11), consider including a global polyfill in your bundled application, such as core-js or babel-polyfill.
Install ReactWidget component using:
npm install --save react-indeema-widget
render () {
return (
isPropertySidebar={this.state.property && data.i === this.state.widgetInd}
If you prefer Highcharts over Recharts, check out Dashboard component.
If you have suggestions, feedback, or encounter any issues, write to Stackoverflow or contact us at support@indeema.com.
To learn more about us, visit https://indeema.com.
MIT license Copyright 2019 © Indeema Software.
ReactWidget component is released for testing purposes only. We make no guarantees with respect to its function. By using this software you agree that Indeema is not liable for any damage to your system and data.