Aries Mobile Agent React Native is an open source Aries Mobile Agent written to create a programmatic interface for managing SSI credentials, mediation, governance frameworks, and other Aries protocols and features. This project is intended to provide an accessible open source Aries agent within a React Native environment. Currently built for Android with iOS support in progress.
Aries Bifold] is a community driven open source mobile app project implementing this library.
Note: This project was developed in parallel to this project at Animo. We intend to work with the community to address project naming conventions as the number of projects increases within the Aries community.
AMA-RN is utilized in the Mobile App project Aries Bifold and is a great quick start to the usage of AMA-RN, and a great place to focus contributions for UI and Apps.
AMA-RN is being actively worked on to utilize rn-indy-sdk to help focus and centralize community efforts surrounding Indy SDK exposure to React Native.
- Modify and utilize updated mediation capabilities supported by ACA-Py (added v0.1.0).
- Basic Message Protocol Handling
- Basic Message Protocol Handler (added v0.1.0)
- Basic Message Service (estimated 2/19)
- Invitation Generation (estimated 2/19).
- Identify Dependency Injection / Plugin strategy
- Circular dependencies
- Credential Issuance (estimated 2/19).
- Credential Presentation (estimated 2/19).
- Refactor AMA-RN indy-sdk usage (Utilize and support rn-indy-sdk)
- Add iOS support.
- Contribute updates to bring React Native to version 0.63.4
- Access and consume machine readable governance frameworks.
- Modify storage mechanisms.
- Investigate Indy non_secrets database replacement
- Return Route Decorator
- Out of Band (OOB) support.
- did:key support.
- DID Exchange support.
- Testing
- Indy-SDK consumption tests
- End-to-End tests
- Error Handling
- Problem Reports
- Android API 30 Support
- Android Storage changes with Indy-SDK
AMA-RN presently, given community feedback, plans to use the Aries Protocols Test Suite (APTS) and the Aries Agent Test Harness (AATH) to test for Aries Agent compatibility and interoperability.
AMA-RN currently is built on React Native 0.61.5. Newer versions of React Native experience issues with ZMQ (Fatal Signal 6 (SIGABRT)). We are making efforts to be able to move to React Native 0.63.4.
AMA-RN targets Android API 29.0.3, with plans to support API 30 soon. If you need to support Android 11 (API 30), you should add the following to your application tag in your AndroidManifest:
Currently AMA-RN does not support the x86_64 architecture, however this will be addressed very soon. You can remove this from your Android build process by specifying in your build.gradle:
include "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a"
def versionCodes = ["armeabi-v7a": 1, "x86": 2, "arm64-v8a": 3]
Either install a compiled package or use a git submodule for local development:
Within your React Native app, run with your target version:
npm install ""
Install peer dependencies of AMA-RN:
npm install react-native-fs react-native-get-random-values
Add the following to allprojects
in your React Native app's Android build.gradle:
maven { url '' }
We suggest using git submodules for local development, due to known metro symlink issues that prevent the usage of local npm dependecies or npm link
. You may be able to utilize a custom metro configuration.
Within your local React Native app, run:
git submodules add
cd aries-mobileagent-react-native
Checkout the appropriate version or branch if not developing against main:
Install AMA-RN Library Dependencies:
npm install
Install and autolink your local AMA-RN library in your App:
cd ..
npm install aries-mobileagent-react-native
Install peer dependencies of AMA-RN:
npm install react-native-fs react-native-get-random-values
Add the maven repository to your repositories
in allprojects
in your React Native app build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
You should now be able to develop your app using AMA-RN locally.
Sample usage:
import AMARN from 'aries-mobileagent-react-native'
//Generate a master secret ID
const masterSecretID = await AMARN.generateMasterSecretID()
//Create a new agent
await AMARN.createAgent(
walletName: "SampleWallet",
walletPassword: "SamplePassword",
masterSecretID: masterSecretID,
ledgerConfig: {
name: "Indicio-TestNet",
genesisString: `GENESIS_STRING`
defaultMediatorConfig: {
invite: "",
mediatorID: "indicio-public-mediator"
//Open an existing agent
agent = await AMARN.loadAgent(
Additional documentation can be found in the docs folder
Hot reloading may not work correctly with instantiated Agent objects. Reloading (r
) will work. Any changes made to native modules require you to re-run npx react-native run-android
There is a known issue that while in development that doesn't open a new wallet, which causes issues with the Mediator IDs. You can work around this issue by closing the app and reopening the app when refreshing changes. Fixes are in progress to address this.
If you end up changing dependencies or structures, you may need to perform the following steps:
rm -rf node_modules
npm install
Clean the Android build:
cd android
./gradlew clean
cd ..
Clean the Metro cache:
npx react-native start --reset-cache
In your second terminal, you can now run:
npx react-native run-android