A Swift framework for microcontrollers. The SwiftIO board provides a good way to learn Swift code. Write your code in the IDE, download to your board, and you'll get the results in real time if you've had the circuit connected.
The SwiftIO library provides an easy access to communicate with the external circuits simply by invoking the related classes/methods in the MadMachine IDE. You can read or write the digital and analog signal, as well as using the communication protocol.
- API Documention - acquire detailed information about the library
You can obtain the source code of each clasee in the following links.
Before starting to write your project, you can download and run the example codes here to get familiar with the library usage.
- GetStarted - simple code to learn the basic skill
- SimpleIO - examples using analog and digital signal
- AdvancedIO - examples using communication protocle
Please choose the version according to your operating system and install the IDE following the instructions below.
- Download
- Installation instruction - step-by-step instruction to help you install the SDK