Outfitter is a JavaScript-based data visualization that assists the user in coordinating outfits based on the weather conditions of a desired location. Geolocation is used to default to the user's current location, and further allows input of any valid US zip code to choose a different location. From this point, a sex is specified and appropriate clothing categories will be available to select, allowing the user to pick specific clothing items of various styles from the list that appears.
Please enter a valid US zipcode into the search box to display the current weather conditions in that area.
Click on the sex to change it.
Click the clothing icons to show a list of that clothing category to select and try on items. Feel free to select any number of categories you prefer.
Now you have a custom outfit for today's weather!
Fetches real-time weather data based on user's location or input.
getWeatherDataFromAPI(locationData) { const apiKey = '5a5417f25c205e05f2bbfd938f406cb4'; let url = `http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?appid=${apiKey}&units=imperial`; if (locationData.lat !== undefined && locationData.lon !== undefined) url += `&lat=${locationData.lat}&lon=${locationData.lon}` else url += `&zip=${locationData.zipCode},${locationData.countryCode}` fetch(url) .then(response => response.json()) .then(weatherData => { this.displayWeatherData(weatherData) const categories = this.getCategories(weatherData) this.outfitRenderer.displayCategories(categories) }) .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error)); }
Suggests appropriate clothing categories based on the current weather.
getCategories(weatherData) { const mensCategories = []; const womensCategories = []; const temperature = weatherData.main.temp; if (temperature <= 40) { mensCategories.push('men_jacketscoats', 'men_hoodiessweatshirts', 'men_shirts', 'men_trousers', 'men_jeans') womensCategories.push('ladies_jacketscoats', 'ladies_hoodiessweatshirts', 'ladies_trousers', 'ladies_jeans') } else if (temperature > 40 && temperature <= 60) { mensCategories.push('men_cardigansjumpers', 'men_hoodiessweatshirts', 'men_shirts', 'men_trousers', 'men_jeans') womensCategories.push('ladies_cardigansjumpers', 'ladies_hoodiessweatshirts', 'ladies_tops', 'ladies_shirtsblouses', 'ladies_trousers', 'ladies_jeans', 'ladies_dresses') } else if (temperature > 60 && temperature <= 70) { mensCategories.push('men_shirts', 'men_tshirtstanks', 'men_shorts', 'men_trousers', 'men_jeans') womensCategories.push('ladies_tops', 'ladies_shirtsblouses', 'ladies_trousers', 'ladies_jeans', 'ladies_skirts', 'ladies_dresses') } else { mensCategories.push('men_tshirtstanks', 'men_shorts') womensCategories.push('ladies_tops', 'ladies_shirtsblouses', 'ladies_skirts', 'ladies_shorts', 'ladies_dresses') } return {men: mensCategories, women: womensCategories}; }
Fetches real clothing items for the user to pick for each desired clothing category.
displayClothingItem(clothingItem) { const clothingElem = document.createElement('li') clothingElem.classList.add('clothing-item') document.getElementById('clothing-list').appendChild(clothingElem) const clothingImgElem = document.createElement('img') clothingImgElem.classList.add('clothing-img') clothingImgElem.src = clothingItem.images?.length > 0 ? clothingItem.images[0].url : '' clothingElem.appendChild(clothingImgElem) const clothingTextElem = document.createElement('div') clothingTextElem.classList.add('clothing-text') clothingTextElem.innerText = clothingItem.name clothingElem.appendChild(clothingTextElem) const clothingButtonElem = document.createElement('button') clothingButtonElem.classList.add('clothing-button') clothingButtonElem.innerText = 'Try On' clothingButtonElem.addEventListener('click', () => { this.outfitRenderer.addClothingItem(this.category, clothingItem) }) clothingElem.appendChild(clothingButtonElem) }
Allows users to switch between men's and women's clothing suggestions.
initEventListeners() { document.getElementById('toggle-button').addEventListener('click', () => { this.displayedCategories = this.displayedCategories === 'men' ? 'women' : 'men' document.getElementById('toggle-button').innerText = this.displayedCategories.toUpperCase() this.displayCategories(this.categories) }) }
- [The One Call API 3.0] [https://openweathermap.org/api/one-call-3] for real-time weather information.
- [HM - Hennes Mauritz API] [https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/hm-hennes-mauritz] for retrieving clothing items to select.
- Webpack to bundle and transpile the source Javascript code.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Run
npm install
to install all the dependencies. - Run
npm start
to start the development server. - Open your browser and navigate to
(or the port number shown in your terminal).
- Add more clothing categories and options, such as accessories.
- Improve the user interface and experience.
- Add user accounts and save preferred outfits.
- Add a visual mannequin to display clothing categories selected.
- Add more weather information such as humidity and wind patterns.
- Add option to remove selected items, not just replace them.
- Remove repetetive categories when one is selected (e.g. jeans category disappears if pants are selected).
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.