Made by Team -22 ,
Team member -- Adarsh Kumar
This is CLI-based banking application that uses MongoDB to store information about users and provides functionalities like : LOGIN, REGISTER, LOGOUT, MAKE TRANSFERS, DEPOSIT/WITHDRAW AMOUNT, MANAGE BENEFICIARIES, VIEW TRANSACTIONS.
MongoDB (mongoose) , NodeJS, Inquirer, ExpressJS , JsonWebToken, Bcrypt, Axios, Vercel(hosting backend)
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Clone the repo
- Go to the "frontend" folder using the terminal or cmd and type:
npm install
npm link
3.To use the application open terminal or cmd and type:
- Fork the Project
- Create an Issue for major changes
- Clone the repo to Local Computer
git clone
- Create Pull Request
- Adarsh Kumar - IT Student - ( - Built the CLI-BANKING application