This is a destination for Instabug to support logging gRPC requests.
There's Instabug_gRPC_Swift
which is a Swift framework and intended to be used with Swift projects. And there's Instabug_gRPC_Objc
which intended to be used with Objective-C projects
Add pod Instabug-gRPC-Swift
or pod 'Instabug-gRPC-ObjC'
to your podfile
iOS version >= 10.0 Instabug version >= 10.11.8
- Make sure you import our destination first:
import Instabug_gRPC_Swift
- Create Interceptor factory that confirms to the interceptor factory protocol that you have in your .grpc file
- Make sure to return new instance of our Interceptor
in the methods that you need us to log - Conform on
for request and response models which requires that you expose your models asData
- You can convert your model to
by conforming toEncodable
- You can pass the port optional in
to see it on the dashboard
class ExampleClientInterceptorFactory: Echo_EchoClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol {
// Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Get' RPC.
func makeGetInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
return [InstabugClientInterceptor()]
// Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Expand' RPC.
func makeExpandInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
return [InstabugClientInterceptor()]
// Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Collect' RPC.
func makeCollectInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
return [InstabugClientInterceptor()]
// Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Update' RPC.
func makeUpdateInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
return [InstabugClientInterceptor()]
extension GrpcAutomation_RepeaterRequest: InstabugGRPCDataProtocol, Encodable {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case message, unknownFields
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(message, forKey: .message)
public var gRPCRequestData: Data? {
let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
let data = try? jsonEncoder.encode(self)
return data
And finally pass ExampleClientInterceptorFactory()
to your client like this
let client = Echo_EchoClient(channel: channel, interceptors: ExampleClientInterceptorFactory())
Create an array of
Create a class that conforms to
protocol@interface GRPCFactory : NSObject <GRPCInterceptorFactory>
and returnInstabugClientInterceptor
- (nonnull GRPCInterceptor *)createInterceptorWithManager:(nonnull GRPCInterceptorManager *)interceptorManager { InstabugClientInterceptor *interceptor = [[InstabugClientInterceptor alloc] initWithInterceptorManager:interceptorManager dispatchQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()]; return interceptor; }
Create a new instance from
then add it to the interceptors array -
Create a new instance of
with theinterceptorFactories
array -
Then pass the manager to the factory instance then
Finally pass
GRPCMutableCallOptions *options = [[GRPCMutableCallOptions alloc] init];
NSMutableArray<id<GRPCInterceptorFactory>> *interceptorFactories = [NSMutableArray new];
GRPCFactory *factory = [GRPCFactory new];
[interceptorFactories addObject:factory];
GRPCInterceptorManager *manager = [[GRPCInterceptorManager alloc] initWithFactories:interceptorFactories
[factory createInterceptorWithManager:manager];
options.interceptorFactories = interceptorFactories;