Example of the Neutral TS cache in the terminal.
Download, navitate to neutral-cache-test directory and:
cargo run
Arbitrary key/value arguments can be set:
cargo run -- --argname argvalue
cargo run -- --argname "arg value"
There is an argument (inject
) designed to try to inject code:
cargo run -- --inject "{:include; /path/to/secrets :}"
has the default value {:exit; 403 :}
, what happens if the injection succeeds can be tested with:
cargo run -- --exit 403
The directory of the disk cache will be the temporary directory of the system, it can be changed in main.rs
is indicated.
The cache is modular, allowing only parts of the template to be included in the cache:
<!DOCTYPE html>
{:cache; /120/ >>
<div>{:code; ... :}</div>
<div>{:date; %H:%M:%S :}</div>
{:cache; /120/ >>
<div>{:code; ... :}</div>
Or exclude parts of the cache, the previous example would be much better like this:
{:cache; /120/ >>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div>{:code; ... :}</div>
{:date; %H:%M:%S :}
<div>{:code; ... :}</div>
{:cache; /expires/addtoid/only_custom_id/ >> ... :}
{:cache; /expires/addtoid/ >> ... :}
{:cache; /expires/ >> ... :}
{:!cache; ... :}
- expires: Seconds of life in the cache
- addtoid: Add a literal to the cache ID
- only_custom_id: Use only the ID passed as ID
The only mandatory parameter is expires
, the cache automatically generates an ID with context data, such as language, cookies, ... and code.
The example template is in the neutral-cache-test/tpl
directory with the name index.ntpl
, you can modify it as much as you want:
{:cache; /300/ >>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div>In cache:{:date; %H:%M:%S :}</div>
<div>No cache:{:!cache; {:date; %H:%M:%S :} :}</div>