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Media SDK 21.2.3
201 commits
to master
since this release
This release of Intel® Media SDK is part of open source release of media stack. Component revisions included into package:
- Media SDK and Samples:
- Driver:
- Gmmlib:
- libva:
- libva-utils:
Release validated with:
- OpenCL runtime: (re-built against intel-gmmlib-21.2.1)
Documentation for this release published in release branch.
What’s New in Media SDK 21.2.3
New features:
JPEG Decode
- improved processing of invalid headers.
HEVC Encode
- Enabled GPU wighted prediction.
- Added encoding target bit depth for luna and chroma samples parameters (-TargetBitDepthLuma/-TargetBitDepthChroma) for sample_encode and sample_multi_transcode.
- Added -tcbrctestfile parameter for TCBRC in sample_encode.
- Added parameter to specify scaling mode (lowpower/quality) for VPP in sample_decode and sample_multi_transcode.
- Added linux build with clang 12 for GitHub Actions.
- Switched to C++ 14 standard.
Software requirements
- Libdrm 2.4.84 or later
- Kernel 4.14 or later (5.4 recommended, consult kernel support matrix wiki page for details)
Known issues
- Kernel 5.0 have known issue with endurance on Skylake see for details.
- Media Driver may incorrect report frame QP in Media Stack 21.2.3 for HEVC FEI. See intel/media-driver#1171 for details.
Windows support
Samples and dispatcher API 1.35 supported by Windows Intel(r) graphics driver since version.
- Limited support on certain platforms:
- MPEG-2 encode is not supported on Apollo Lake
- H.264 Flexible Encode Infrastructure only supported on Broadwell and Skylake
- Multi Frame Encode (MFE), HEVC Flexible Encode Infrastructure only supported on Skylake
- VP9 decoder is supported starting from Kabylake platform
- VP9 encoder is supported starting from Icelake platform
- SW fallback is unsupported for all components but MJPEG
- Keem Bay requires a VPU runtime library
- The following features are supported by Keem Bay runtime and are not supported by Gen graphics runtime:
- mfxExtInsertHeaders
- mfxExtEncoderIPCMArea