To import the Interhaptics SDK into Unity using the Unity Package Manager, follow these steps:
- Open the Unity Package Manager, then click the “+” button in the toolbar.
- Select “Add package from git URL” from the menu.
- In the text box that appears, enter the URL “” (without the quotes) and click “Add.”
- If the installation is successful, the Interhaptics package will appear in the package list with the git tag.
- There are sample scenes for each platforms located in Assets\Scenes. Requirements (XInput/XR scenes):
- Set Player Settings>>Active Input Handling: Input Manager (Old) or Both
- Load Assets\InputManager\InputManager-GameInput_XInput.preset, or InputManager-XR.preset before running the scene in your Input Manager screen. Requirements (mobile scene):
- Set Scripting Backend to IL2CPP and check the target architecture for ARM64.
For specific setups (Mobile iOS or Android / XR / Console PlayStation or XBox) you can check directly the documentation at
If you need help or want to talk haptics, join us on Discord on this links