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Andreas edited this page Jan 21, 2024 · 1 revision

The main window (where it all begins)

If you start the program, you will see the following window:


The window is divided into several areas:

  1. At the top of the window you will find the available Connections where you can select a server / database. If you start the program for the first time, the list will be empty and you have to add at least one server. You can find out how to create a server here: Settings
  2. In the middle you will find five different tabs:
    1. Search: This is the main part of the program which offers you a simple but powerful search. For more information about the search, click here: Search
    2. Table types: Here you will find a list of all available Table types of the selected database. For more information about the table types, click here: Table types
    3. Class generator: Besides the search this is the second import part of the program. The class generator offers you several options to generate a C# class out of a table / table type / view / custom query. For more information about the class generator click here: Class generator
    4. Definition export: The definition export allows you to export the definition of several procedures at once, for example. For more information about the export click here: Definition export
    5. Replication info: The replication info shows the information on tables that are used by the replication. For more information about the replication info click here: Replication info
  3. You will also find the following in the menu and title bar:
    1. Menu
      1. Program > Template editor: Via the Template editor you are able to edit the templates for the class generator. For more information about the template editor click here: Template editor
      2. Program > Close: Should be clear ;)
      3. Help > Data types: Opens a list with the SQL <> C# Data type conversion. You are also able to add / edit / delete entries. For more information about the data types click here: Data types. Note: The types are used by the class generator.
    2. Title bar (from left to right)
      1. Update available: This info will be shown, when a new version is available.
      2. Manual: Opens this wiki
      3. Info: Shows you some information about the program
      4. Settings: Opens the settings. For more information click here: Settings