A web/mobile app that:
- Helps people set reminders to take their drugs
- Detect fall via mobile device API, and prompt the userasking if they are okay or not....and if the user should not reply within
N minutes/seconds
it should automatically send an SMS to people they have added as their favorite contacts.
From the app index page, the user can easily set a reminder to take a particular drug. They get to set:
- The no. of hours they take the drug
- Total no. of days they will be taking the drug. and finally
- The no. of pills they will be taking for each interval
And, once its time to take their drug, the user will be reminded (via push notification)
For fall detection, the user will have the option of selecting maximum of 3 people from their contact list to set as their favorite contacts.
And once the app detects a fall from the device, it will prompt the user asking if they are okay or not. and if the user should not reply within a particular time-frame, all of their favorite contacts will be alerted via SMS you along with the last recorded location of the user.
@Asaolu Elijah | @Sam-alade Joshua
- Front-end - HTML, CSS & Javascript
- Back-end - Nodejs & Express